Reading The 50th Law by Curtis Jackson & Robert Greene. Amazing book, & really helps in my life right now.

Hop everyone had a great week! Here's to a creative & happy sunny weekend! love

I love your profile pic!
What a beautiful day, sunshine is making me feel gitty & loved. The Sun gives so much & it shines on us with it's love & it's amazing powers to fill us with light. Oh sun you are such a delight. I couldn't help but sing in the grocery store today, WinCo is such an amazing place. Everything so packed so neat, & there's usually...
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So all this working out & running that I have been doing, well I hope its been paying off. Here are my results so far!
A little naked too love Hopefully by summer time I'll have the ink & "bod" I desire. But I am truly happy with the results I've seen so far. Hope everyone else week is starting off grand!

loveEverybody's gonna love today,...
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I love the feelings of you, your smile, your happiness, the love & caring that feels up in your chest & pumps out with every beat of your heart. I love the way you look at me, the way the warm feelings it gives me. I love the way you speak, I love the way you think, so unique to every breath you take. I...
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aw I hope you have an amazing weekend! You are the sweetest!
Hey all you amazing people in SG land!

Things have been crazy these past couple of weeks!

I lost my Papa very suddenly which was oddly effected me very differently from everyone in my family.
I have some how learned to move forward for better & for the things I want. He was a great man & will be missed very much. ( I'm such...
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Sorry to hear about your loss. For my videogame tattoo. I am looking at doing street fighter, mario,sonic, not sure what else yet.
hope your weekend isn't shitty either. =P
hahahaha . this made my day!
I really love the new Radiohead album. love
I haven't heard it yet
Everything I am..

I'm really lost & alone, I thought I would join this website to help that. But nothing seems to be working.

To understand me, you have to understand what I have been through. Growing up wasn't the easiest thing to do, but I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had a hard time doing so. Young single mom trying to raise...
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I'm glad you were willing to share your story.
I really do hope you find what you're looking for.
seriously if you want to talk ever I'm all ears.
Thank you very much.
A creative mind full of positive thoughts to open the world I truly believe in. I hope you all are smiling right now. love
Just started my new work out, got a weighted vest, ankle weights, & weighted gloves. Total extra weight is 23.5 pounds, but the ankle weights tore up my ankles today. I have bloody socks! eeek Haha Ran three miles in 30 minutes, so hopefully by Friday I can get it down to 24 minutes.
Hope everyone had a great weekend love
OH wow! Right on, you are a trooper. =)
What is the truth but not only something in our minds. What's truth to me may not be truth to you. We make up the truth to run away from the truth. If I was raised that the sun was blue and the sky is yellow and that was true. Wouldn't I be right? But wouldn't you be too. The truth only lies in our...
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