Okay so I dropped Astronomy but I'm hanging on to Freshman Comp and Russian. I got that job over at Big 5 (as a sales associate though and not manager in training like I was hoping for) so I officially work for the man again. Yay corporate America.

That's all I really had to say, other than noting that I turned 24 on the 13th....
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Thanks! kiss
Thank you so much for your comment on my set! kiss
Well, the spring semester has officially begun. I didn't do so hot last semester, so I'll be without financial aid this go-around. I'll be needing to get a job then, and I think I shall apply for a sales associate position over at Big 5 since my friend Jarl is a manager there and it beats manual labour. Classes have been relatively interesting thus far,...
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So Christmas is over and New Year's Eve approaches quickly. I think I'll be writing this one early as I'm sure tomorrow the events of today will be naught but a forgotten memory. I got some decent loot this year. My father bought me a new (new to me, anyway; it's at least 50 years old) No 4 Mk I Enfield rifle, my mom dropped...
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So I'm in the market for a new tattoo. I have a few ideas right now, but if anybody has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. The target area is my left forearm. Any takers?
самоубийство девочка

meaning: suicide girl wink

too long, too ugly, too strange...

go for a chinese word ...

[Edited on Dec 30, 2005 1:38PM]
Both. I had like 1/2 a year of russian in school. Like voluntarily. I can speak a few words (so i know the word for girl, but had to look up suicide). I can write it both normal and script. Well i've forgotten script mostly ;-)

Wore a red t-shirt with russian letters in the US (seattle i guess) once. Had a lot of people talking to me on the street/bus but most of them in a frienldy way :-)

Even I'm in a german speaking country my keyboard is both american/russian i just love seeing the letters...

I like kanji too, did some caligraphy once, well had no time - gave it up frown

I could help you with german quotes though ;-)

"Gott ist tot" - Friedrich Nietzsche
(god is dead)

"Du gehst zu Frauen? Vergiss die Peitsche nicht!" - Friedrich Nietzsche
(if you visit women, don't forget the whip)

Most people dispise this quote as being ant-feminist. I think Nietzsche would be a member of SG. Why? Why does he need a whip, when visiting women, just have a look... wink

Dunno why i write that, too much time i guess ;-)

Good luck choosing your tatoo...
No cigarette money, no gas money, no food money... college life sucks. This degree better fucking pay off, I'm tired of being broke. So I think I'll win the lottery.

So I recieved a letter from the US Army today, which went something like, "Thank you for serving in the military, do you miss being in the service for blah blah blah? You should come join the army." The wording was a little different, but that was the general gist of it. The scary thing is, it's awfully tempting. I miss the steady paycheck, and...
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So lately I've been feeling like I'm waiting for something. I don't know what it is that I'm waiting for, but that's the vibe I get day in and day out. Like I'm treading water, or running in place. I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not accomplishing anything of signifigance. Just... waiting. It's disconcerting and I don't like it.

On a different note, registration has...
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Russian, very impressive!
Thanks for the comment on my set, mister!
It was fun! Thankyou for the lovely comment on my set kiss
Okay, so today wasn't terribly exciting, but as I write this I'm preparing to go visit with some friends I haven't seen in a while, so that's exciting. Also I'll be spending the night over at Chrissy's tonight, and that always ends well. Can't guarantee I'll be sober for very much longer, though... at any rate, I'm gonna get going now so blah blah blah,...
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So today has been largely uneventful. Chrissy is stuck at home putting furniture together and I'm too broke to go out and do anything particularly interesting. I guess I could go wander the desert... Mostly I've wasted time playing Day of Defeat. Oh, sad life smile

Edit: Yay, change of plans. Chrissy was able to free some time up and we watched Spiderman 2 back at...
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didn't hurt at all smile
Okay, so I've been meaning to cough up the cash for a membership on here for a while especially since one of my friends is going to be an SG here in the near future so I finally got off my ass and signed up. So... yeah. La-dee-dah...
welcome to the site smile
I hope you enjoy your stay here!