Good morning, Mr. President. Or should I say Presidents.

God I love PUSA. They're so right; everyone DOES want to be naked and famous. Hell, I know I do.

I've been trying to play Morrowind again. I fucked myself last time around. Like, ass-fucked. Hard. I started changing around my character a whole bunch using "enablestatreviewmenu" which only half-worked...making my character "Princess" a complete mess,...
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It's just one of those hot days. Where no matter where you are, it's hot. You're hot. And itchy. Claustrophobic. These days are great for...I dunno...being uncomfortable. My friends and i are having a special party tonight...first time people are really coming over to my new apartment in decent numbers. Which is, of course, a great excuse to clean. How I love to clean. Let...
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Ahhhhhh. I'm almost all moved in. It is so nice, this place Frogstar and I now call home. It's not gigantic, don't let me mistake you, but it is a large bedroom and a largish living room. And it is only him and me. me and him. ahh, has a nice ring to it. oh, and the cat luna. she's meowing at me now. i...
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I wish I were better at making friends. I don't like being scared when I'm around people, which I am. I also don't like feeling standoffish when I'm not terrified. There is no happy medium; either I'm myself, and I scare everyone away, or I put up this silly facade, whether it be dipped in sarcasm or covered in a cloak of anti sociality. I...
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only human
-peace wink
Always be yourself,no matter how hard it is at times.You do have freinds.as you said,who told you you ahve tons of them?Like the person said before me,you are human.I bet even those you believe have alot of friends feel the same one time or another,we all do.Keep the walls down and your mind open and see with your heart.To find one thing that you can relate to someone else and go ffrom there to 'socialize',don't stress if it takes time to learn this.I don't know you,but I can tell you are alot braver and stronger that you let on tyo yourself.I hope this helps you and you understand what I wrote.If not I can expalin better for you.Have agreat day,my friend.
Living with my brother...
...Is way worse than living with my mom. Sure, I don't need to cover up the smell of pot, and I can have parties when I want to. I can sleep with my boyfriend. Those things are all nice. But in exchange I get a constantly dirty house, a constantly dirty kitchen, and absolutely, positively, zero respect. I'm a simple creature....
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The lock clicks
as she slides past him, lying on the couch with an empty can of beer slipping slowly out of his hands, and she makes her way to the kitchen. She heads straight for the wine. As she digs the spring into the cork her "soulmate" begins snoring. It matches the white fuzz on the screen. Sitting at the bar, pouring herself a...
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The walls are closing in, and there's nothing you can do. Do you trust that world outside the windows and beyond the doors? Everything seems so shady. I take a spoon and dig at my brain like ice cream. It prevents me from thinking, from feeling. I've been numb before, and let me tell you; there is no greater misery than not caring if you...
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Finally got a job...yay!!!! *Magical balloons and confetti and naked girls run around everywhere, dancing in celebration* It's doing overnight stock at a toy store. Not really just stock, it was a lot of moving everything around and taking down big shelf units. It was fun, though it will suck having to work Fridays and Saturdays...I'll try to get at least one of them off...
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It's the question we all must confront sometime in our lives, because more likely than not, you're as guilty as I am. We are surrounded by ourselves constantly, and witness to every minuscule error that we've ever made, every thought in bad taste, every bad hair day and bad pimple day and bad fat day and, well, just every bad...
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I love the word "esteemers" you used in your earlier post! I think you've got the right attitude - it's ok to just tolerate yourself sometimes.
Does anybody else hate themselves as much as I do?

God I sure hope so. Fuck those esteemers.

Don't hate y'self. Tis your birthday!

*gives balloon*
I have failed you my minions. Upon my last update, my weary mind was fazy, and thought not of the excitement of last Friday. Which was the most excitement, extraordinary enough. TOOL. TOOL. TOOL. TOOL. In concert, in St Louis, at the Scottrade Center. It was....AMAZING. I almost orgasmed like, 50 times while I was there, just listening to their music and feeling the energy...
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