I think i was suffering from post christmas melt down yesterday and for the past couple of weeks...Sometimes i think i should just not let things bother me as much as i do...I need to start working on that...
Anyone know any good new bands? Let me know i need new music.. kiss kiss
Life sucks so bad right now i can't even deal with it...Just when you think things are gonna go good...BOOM they turn to shit...My only problem is believing someone could actually like ME! I need to stop that..and i'm not looking for reassurance i'm ranting because i do believe that noone ever will ever like me for me...EVER! I just don't think it's possible.... frown mad
I like you, in my own special way!
Why do certain people who shouldn't matter have the ability to make or break your day? I'm really bad at letting people get to me and I really shouldn't...I just can't stand liars...then again he may not be a liar he may just be busy but damn...i'm a total nutcase... puke
hmmm that sounds like a not so good thing. It's tought to keep people out that should be without keeping out others that shouldn't
your happiness is in your own hands, darlin'.
always will be.
So first i'd like to say sorry to fredfarnance for flaking yesterday my boss is an idiot..Then i'd like to say thank you to my bestest friends sigmatic and synapse for the kick ass picture of Dita VonTeese IT"S SIGNED! and she kissed it! i love it...they're the best kiss kiss I never expected anything else and there you go and get me this cool thing! LOVE...
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yay! I only wish that we could have packed Dita up in a box and sent her along your way too...
Definately no worries. I will be up in Chelmsford next week and I am sure I will be back right in town soon enough.
Thoses silly jobs just get in a the way of fun.

So my shopping trip was very successful...I got a really cool shirt thats black lace and mint green and a pink cardigan and a bra and underwear with cherries all over them....It is all very very cute...The new boy whose name is Spike is really great but i think there are some things that might make a relationship with him difficult...We'll see i'm just going...
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well good luck with the new boy indeed smile
Sorry we couldn't meet up this time around. I should be up in Chelmsford in a couple weeks but thats a bit further than I am now.
I am wearing so very much pinkness today, you would just love it!
This has been a pretty good week...It went pretty fast other than that nasty tuesday and yesterday i met a new boy who is pretty cool...I'm watching Napoleon Dynamite which is pretty damn funny...I'm going shopping tomorrow because my homies synapse and sigmatic got me a wicked good gift certificate for xmas...So rock on... kiss kiss
Editied cause I am a dumb ass.... What did you get shopping?

[Edited on Jan 08, 2005 12:02PM]
Hooray! I can't wait to see the lovely things that you have purchased! You shall model them for me postehaste. Thank you.
It's tuesday...Thats about it...I think i have to do something next tuesday that makes it way more exciting than this tuesday...Cause today was BO-RING! I miss my friends sigmatic and synapse and wish they'd come back to New England where they belong DAMNIT! mad Synapse I have so much to tell you! Oh i how i miss her...Alright thats enough for now... kiss
Oh man, I'm on my way back, really. But the traffic is really bad, so it looks like it might take another six to eight months to get there. I'll give you an updated ETA when I arrive in Chattanooga.

Miss you too!
Yeah, we'll definitely be spending a couple of days in Chattanooga
.... why, I can't imagine a finer place to take a short holiday!

[Edited on Jan 07, 2005 4:31PM]
So bored! Nothing to do but sit on this freaking computer...I have found some very interesting things though so it's not been all bad..So i kind of have this porn fetish and being bored on the computer is very dangerous... wink Hope everyone is good... kiss
Mmmmm porn, defiately my favorite use for the web.
What sort of porn are you fixing on for the moment I probably have some for ya wink
Let me know if you are going to be free Monday evening the 10th I will be in Newton, it's only a 2 day assignment so monday is my only free night.

Newsgroups are the way to do, a daily dose of what ever floats your boat.....
Happy New Year smile This weekend has been great....The NYE party i went to was awesome..This band the Konks that i like a lot played and my friend Megans band played and this boy Scott who I have a big crush on was there so it was a good evening...And i got completely hammered puke However i didn't actually barf...But it was a close thing wink So i'm...
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So i asked Cathedra to remove my mini photoset so i can do it better and maybe repost it...I only have three more days of vacation and that bums me out! frown However this has been a really nice little reprieve from everything and it'll be nice to go back and see my boys....Hope everyone has a good NYE i know i will...One of my favorite...
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woo hoo, I'll be tapping my foot waiting.
Happy new year to you
....yeah i thought the pics were nice.....i got your message...sorry i haven't been commenting alot lately....ever since my friends list grew i find it increasingly difficult to get to everyone's journal on a daily basis like i used to......i know...i suck...

hey.....i'm on my LAST pack of smokes....are you still up for quitting???? ......i'm gonna do it this time......

happy new year swelly..