one of my snakes died unexpectedly yesterday... I didn't even know she was sick or anything.. I cried. Yep, I cried. I raised her since she was a baby. It's interesting how, many years ago, at the request of my mom, I had to kill a snake that was in our front yard in Florida. I believe it was a cottonmouth. Anyway, it bothered me...
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aaaaaaaaawwwwwww frown!! i wouldn't have a snake as a pet.. but i know what is like to lose a pet... it's awful.. i'm so sorry frown!! i hope you are better now.. many kisses kiss

and thanks for the friend request blush
I'm really sorry about Eve too love. frown It was a really bad night, and we both need to try much better when it comes to the snakes. The cats have just taken up so much more of our attention bc they are so in our face (literally and figuratively) Ha! It makes it harder to take the babies out as much.

I love you and I really enjoyed our vacation and speding all that time with you... xoxox
I love songs that make me happy and sad at the same time... I am steadily filling up my new 120gb iPod, and I WILL fill it. hahaha.. I love the beauty of "shuffle." I always have, especially with the amount of music on this thing. The best part is rediscovering songs you forgot about. I just went from Bob Dylan's "Buckets of Rain" to...
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I heard that song on my ipod today in my car........ smile
you know, its funny.. I come on here a lot and I read stories of grief, depression, or just rants about this or that, and how angry people are... and I don't even think about how grateful I should be for where I am in my life.
Sure, sh*t still happens... my father was laid off, my best friend's father was just diagnosed with brain...
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I feel the same way sometimes. I mean yeah it's bad, but there are lots of people who have it worse
I haven't written in a while... this came to me today.. for Linzy..

the blinds slice the sun into shades of orange
illuminating dust
you arrived in colors, brilliant
sharply awakened my lust
a mind with whips and dashes of laughter
a heart that pounds for pleasure
lips, elegantly waiting for mine
i now exist to fuck you senseless
and tame that soul
just briefly,...
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i look forward to this repetition for years and years to come! and hope to always return to smiling and love...

i love you! kisslovekiss
i liked your poem, v well written! happy holidays! x
In case anyone wants to hear my music! tongue eeek skull myspace.com/thejunkmarket
i want!!
Its a great day!

SON VOLT "Jet Pilot"

Jet pilot for the day
Washed his sins away
Loves to see the Rangers play
His daddy has a job in Washington
Wants to raise a Harvard son

Junior liked to let his hair down
Only trouble is, word gets around

Revolution will be televised
across living rooms
and the great divide
Robbing barren ghettos
for us...
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Remember "The Keating Five" when you hear McCain speak of protecting your money, and improving the economy..

Alan Cranston (D-CA)
Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ)
John Glenn (D-OH)
John McCain (R-AZ)
Donald W. Riegle (D-MI)

The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and...
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EXCERPTS FROM A RECENT A.P. STORY ON THE DIRTY TRICKS USED TO SUPPRESS DEMOCRATIC VOTER TURNOUT ON NOV. 2 (It just goes to show you how maniacal some of the Republican base is and that they will attempt anything to maintain their hold on power and money)

Complaints have surfaced in predominantly African-American neighborhoods of Philadelphia where fliers have circulated, warning voters they could be...
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Fearmongering at its Worst

I have had enough of the fear tactics that the McCain campaign is using to try and sway voters (not that I think it will actually work on anyone who has an ounce of rational thought in their head). It seems every McCain commercial or diatribe centers around not what McCain could do for the country, but, rather, how utterly horrible...
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Stop and think about it though, the people with no rational thought tend to outweight everyone else. It's sad.
the frayed edges are gone
replaced with lace and colorful dreams
we know what "is," no longer what "seems"
my heart it clings to the thoughts our love brings
leaves changing with our every whim

i promise to love you until the blood stops coursing through my veins
until the last conscious thought drains
and even still, I'll be with you always, resting quietly in...
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