Hey y'all! In a little while I'll be getting on a plane to finally visit the west coast! I'll be in Vegas tonight until Thursday and then OC/LA Thursday until Sunday. I'd love to catch up with everyone while I'm out there and even meet some new people.

Also, I had a set go in to member review this morning, so I figured it's the...
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I really wish you'd go Pink.. seriously. You are so freaking gorgeous!! Love you, babe! <3<3<3<3
lovely sets the lot! <3 *and yes as to PINK!*

So it's about time for another proper update! I've been so busy trying to catch up on life on my break from school.

I finally graduated my apprenticeship! Top of my class! I got a bunch of swag, which happened to be some really nice tools.

I also turned 26, which was mostly uneventful since I had to work.

However, the absolute highlight of the...
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Happy belated birthday,  Congrats on the apprenticeship. What kind of tools did you get? Great pictures and good luck with your new set coming out.
Squeeeee!!! I love you SO much!!! Miss you lots babe!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

After finally seeing The Purge 2 in theatres, I think I'm ready to do my SG Homework that @missy and @rambo assigned awhile ago. I know a lot of ladies said they'd stay inside, but I think I might actually take my chances outside. I'd end up going camping with people I trusted and guns. Staying at home is basically just being a sitting duck
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I'm finally done with my summer semester! It's such a relief, I feel like I can breathe again. I ended up with 4 A's, a B, and a C. Now I have three weeks off until my next round of classes.

I leave you with this Flashback Friday picture from a set I shot with @lorelei in 2008.

I... Want coffee now.
You look cute as hell. Congrats on your grades

I was going through a bunch of my files today and I found this little gem. It was an outtake of one of the sets I did with @lorelei !

Next month, I plan on uploading the previous sets I've taken to celebrate my new set going in to MR. :)




I'm so far behind on the homework @missy and @rambo have given us that I should be in SG detention.

Living in Florida, this topic is near and dear to my heart: SUMMER!

Despite working and going to two schools full time, I've somehow managed to pack the little spare time I do have with good ol' summertime fun. Theme parks, lake days, NASCAR, parties,...
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Nice pics!!! Have fun 😂👍❤️
I miss you!

Hey y'all. Sorry I've been so slow to update, school has really been kicking my ass. If any one is really good at precalculus and trig, I could really use a tutor. Luckily, the summer semester is almost over and then I get a little bit of a break.

I have been enjoying my weekends though! I got to preview the new Diagon Alley at...
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I know it's the wee hours of the morning for a lot of you, but I'm finally about to get off work in an hour. Then it's school time. :/ Oh the life of a third shift worker and student.

Anyways, I'm loving the new update, it makes the front page and queue look so much cleaner without SG in front of people's names and...
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Owwww thank you my love <3!!!!!!
wahya, you have impeccable taste in women, lol

Does @eevee have a set in the queue?!

I am so excited!



It's SG Homework time again and this time it's for everyone. @Rambo asked us to come up with ideas for what we would do if we got the chance to create a piece for the SG Burlesque show. A million ideas ran through my head all at once, here are my favorites:

Dexter-"Fresh Blood" Eels

Classic Slasher Movie Killers (Jason, Mike, Leatherface, Freddy)-"Dangerous Type"-The Cars
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