Surgery went well though they found more damage inside so recovery will be a little longer than expected. Thankfully I am "stronger than anyone in your condition should be" so he expects a fast and complete recovery. I am stll a lttle drugged out so I will try and write more later. I will try to write more when I am more with it.

Yeah I thought I missed something too. Hope you recover quickly!
smile Hang in there Sweetheart...the second day is usually the worst. Tomorrow should be better and by Sunday you'll be feeling much more like your normal self....
Get some sleep Silly!
Well I sure had a hell of a time getting myself motivated to get up this morning but boy am I glad I did! I got to have the distinct pleasure of seeing, through my friends listing, that Glitch had a new set up. She is my fav SG due to her really cool set Doll Parts has been one of my faves for freaking...
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That Glitch set is fantastic, I agree 100%.

Best of luck on the job interview, must be a good job if you're that excited about it. I have a pretty nice job and I could give a rat's ass... Oh well. And I too am drinking more than I really should be these days. To the point of where the expense is starting to get to me. I'm trying to find cheaper booze that I like, is all.

amazing words & thank you so much for noticing wink
OK so I have been totally behind on doing anything as of late. The big news of course is that I am now out of the Army on Terminal leave and enjoying the benifits of being done with all of the horse shit that was my life in the Army. I have been busting my ass to get my life straight and started in this...
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Maybe you are drinking a bit more since you are no longer at the Army's beck and call. Now you can sit back an relax if you choose to... smile Just don't drink too much or make a habit out of it and I am sure you'll be fine.....
Winning shit rocks!

Ok so to qualify that I should point out that 104.7 the edge here in Fairbanks has been my major hook-up since I got back. A few days after touching down I won tickets to go see the Ice Dogs play the Texas Tornados which was a great game. Now on Friday I was running errands when I won another pair of...
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Thanks for the compliments, bud. You should totally do the blue mohawk again, that would kick ass with a kilt. It is fun making big changes and seeing the look on peoples faces.

Happy new year!
OK so life is still throwing curveballs, either that or I chucked a shit ton of boomerangs and really need to be paying more attention. Life it self is no problem but getting out of the Army almost seems harder than it was to be deployed for so long. I have a ton of stuff to get done and no time to get it done...
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Ok so it may have taken way to fucking long and it might only be on dial up for about a week or so more (damn dial up!) but I'm back! I have just a little bit more time left and then I am out and done with the military as well, double bounus! Not to much actual news but to say I'm back but...
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Welcome back! Been a long time since you've been in these parts.
Tonight I sit here, late into the morning of tomorrow, thinking of my life and how fragile my state has become. I refer not to my state or residence but to my state of mind, no my very state of being. I have spent years trying to understand what it is I want. To fight clear of my narcissistic nature and find what it is...
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dude i know u wont see this until you get back but that is the dorkiest fucking pic ive ever seen you in. i get bored not having anyone to boss me around. miss ya and cant wait for u to get back shocked
thought u werent able to actually use the internet, but never fear your secrets are safe with me but... for a price wha haha
Ok so I have been gone for quite sometime now. Been really busy since I got back from Iraq. Life has been strange and I am not so certain I am adapting well to being back but only time will tell. Most of the things I used to love to do are no longer good for me and I am not certain what to do...
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So apparently I'm toxic. Everytime I so much as mention something about a female friends friend's I am immediatly given a huge over the top response about staying away. No one can ever tell me why except that I "used to date a lot of woman". Of couse when I point out that most of them became my friends after I hit on them or...
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Ok so I have been back in the states now for five days. I keep telling myself I will sit down and write up something on my feelings of coming home but I just seem to have to much to do. The flight in was long but the brigades DCO was on the plane and told us that we were allowed to have two beers...
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Welcome back. Sounds like you've been busy.