I was cleaning ip my parent's basement when I discovered fur babies! My two boy cats now have 2 more siblings!

Omg how cute are they ❤❤❤
Not a measurement I could do! Infinite cuteness! I'm so glad I have kittens to raise for the next while. It's gonna take everything I have in me to not adopt them both.

Finally finished a long hard season of lobsters! I wasn't on a boat like the cowboys of the sea, but I stacked 100 lb crates day after day, unloaded boats one after the other for 60 days, worked sound gigs for a week in the middle of it all on just a few hours (sometimes just a couple) of sleep, and drove an endless amount...
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Better color in the outdoor pictures! I died laughing when I realized that my shades are perfectly matched to my colors, might have to start finding some cool sunglass color combonations anf keep that up, haha
Dyed my beard as well as the rest of my blond tips from bleaching! Fucking love it as usual!

It really does feel like a dog's age since I've been on here! Work has been busy as usual, and I'm still working up to 20 hours a day 6 days a week minimum! All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy, but it certainly well makes my wallet fat! It's been an exceptionally busy 2 months and I'm also just starting my Festival season for doing sound tech, so my 5 a.m. start times for lobster and crab are a few short hours away from the end of my times at midnight or 2 a.m. dealing with bands LOL. The Show Must Go On, and people must keep eating their lobsters, with this crazy son-of-a-b**** here it's sure to happen! Pictures of kind of random, and I may have already thrown one or two of them up but who's going to judge me! I've had many Adventures over the last bit, including some moth friends that you join me for a ride or two, an exceptionally rare bright orange Lobster, a very dull olive green Lobster, my first day with a truck that was actually properly cleaned out and didn't smell like dead fish, as well as getting to sleep across two very uncomfortable truck seats while tractor's ran around outside keeping me awake. As I said, it's been a very fun 2 months, two weeks left and it'll be time to wind down and simply enjoy the summer! And I can't believe I forgot to tell everybody but fishermen are awesome, give them Moonshine and they'll give you free weed!

Currently having a ball and a blast with the "Stars on 45" local band, going through the 1950's, 60's, 70's & 80's, era by era!! Awesome songs, AMAZING voices,  super talented musicians!! Lighting assistant and spotlighter for the night, good times, good times!
July 28th and 29th was a ball! Car show at a wildlife park, some good OLD country tunes and AWESOME cars!! 1975 stingray got my attention and if it wasn't a felony, I would have driven off with it!