So I'm in the final stages of drunkster.net the drunken online community. It should be pretty cool when it goes up. I've been slacking the last week though cause I'm moving. .... again..... which is getting tiring to say the least. ---

I want to make tons of money so I can loose it all and make it again. It seems being rich to long...
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I havne't posted in a while cause I've been working day and night on drunkster.net. I finally got a message board up thanks to the great people at YaBBforum.com, a few hours of basic perl, and six gallons of coffee.

There is still alot of work to be done but it's worth it. ARRR!!!
I'm not tired but I'm sure as hell not awake either. I've had a tough week. More to come. ---
Last night I cleaned my apartment. It's not like I don't clean but I will clean half assed for about a month and a half then finally do a big clean. It looks realy good now. You should come over and check it out. ----

I went to La Tazza last night for a few drinks and some Drum and Bass/Breaks. It was cool. I...
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I feel that my profile is getting a little bland. I should add more pics. Sooo.... More pics to come. ----

I started rebuilding the syntaxproductions.net and drunkster.net webpage last night. I ran out of ideas quickly. I hate to think that my creativity was governed by my youthfullness. ----
I drank too much by accident last night and now I'm hung over. ---

It was worth it. ---

I should be working right now. I'm not though. ---

I may go to Atlantic City tonight for a few hours for fun. ---

I need a motorcycle. It's whats missing in my life. ---

I've been reading a bunch of haqin texts recently. I haven't...
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Time for my daily SG bitch session. I'm becoming addicted to writning in this journal. ---

Buddy of mine just bought a house with his girlfriend. Seems soon to me but what the hell. Nice place though. Not too far from the city. He's got a garage though. I'm trying to talk him into building a motorcycle in it. ---

Speaking of motorcycles. I think...
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What a crazy weekend. ---

I'm in the process of doing nothing. It's much simpler than actually doing things. ----

I want to type more but I don't have time. ---

I guess I'll get back with it tomorrow. ---
I feel like things could be looking up... I like this being free thing. It's starting to set in that I'm finally off probation.. It's been a long haul! ---

I hate being poor. even if it's not for long. --

I need a motorcycle. I'm not sure why but I do. ---

I think i'm gonna redesign syntaxproductions.net this week. I have no idea...
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you don't know me...and i don't know you.. but hey! thats ok.. i just wanted to say i like your binary tatt...that shit gets me all hot. blush