so I hope everyone had a happy st pats. you all should relay your drunken adventures. I myself did not have one. I got a haircut and stayed home. I know..I'm a real party animal wink I celebrated earlier in the week though, so it's all good. (that's just what I tell myself so I don't feel like a loser whatever )

anyway...what's up with me you...
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Actually I did know Killians was a Coors product, my best friend and I constantly make fun of it even though we drink it. And we like to quote family guy "I'm a Coors man anyway, WOO SILVERBULLET!"

I hate being sick, it's Sunday and I'm STILL sick. I have been taking ibu and amoxicillian but it doesnt seem to be doing much currently. I had mono last year and I know you have like 2 years to relapse until you know it's completely gone, if this is mono I will be crying.

I did see Coyote Ugly but wasn't a big fan so I only saw it once when it first came out. Therefore I do not remember the man with the accent. I used to be in love with Crocodile Dundee when I was little, I think thats where the love of Australian accents stems from. And he is clearly not hot wink

Conan cracks me up for surface humor like his walker, texas ranger stuff. But John Stewart is my definition of the perfect man. Funny as hell, cute smile, and very intelligent. If I had a one time chance to have sex with either Brad Pitt or John Stewart, I'm not sure I could make the decision. While Pitt embodies all the characteristics of my sexual ideals, John is the whole package. I think I'd rather have the whole package.

I do have wonderful people here and in real life, but I miss having a boyfriend and friends can only take over so much of the boyfriend role. Ah well smile

We had the same Saint Patrick's Day routine, we both celebrated last weekend and not on the real day. It seems like everywhere I go someone is asking "Why don't we have Saint Joseph's Day?" Did I miss a newsletter? This is the first year I've ever even heard of Saint Joseph but it seems to be all the buzz.
Good for you! I'm glad to hear your gonna make lemon verbena granita. biggrin
not all that much to update but for some reason i end up feeling obligated when people leave comments...i get a certain amount and it's like i'm slacking if i don't make them all go away by addind another entry. but keep them coming...i do so enjoy the conversing peoples. hope all is well in the land of...well, whereever you may be...
Happy St. Patricks day. biggrin
I'm feeling negleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeected wink
seriously, there isn't enough time in the day. there are too many things to read on the internet, there are too many hot ladies to look at here, there is too much tv to watch, now especially being that baseball season starts soon...and this whole working 8 hours a day plus commute...BAH!

I guess i'll just have to work to manage my time better wink
I see that we do have some similar reading habits! I'm about to start "Diary" by CP since I will be finishing "Choke" tonight. I love reading a huge variety of things.

Out of curiousity, where is Watervliet? Is that anywhere near Syracuse...?

I agree with your above comments too about the beautiful ladies here on SG. I LOVE IT! My only problem right now is that I'm home and there is always someone around. It's a little weird to look at naked/half-naked ladies when your mom is doing laundry, etc... LMMFAO!!!
Your flat tire story was so much worse than mine, I felt bad for even feeling sorry for myself! biggrin
walking around and drinking beers is fun. unfortunately, i had to drive after walking around so i wasn't able to enjoy as many beers as i would have liked. but it was fun none the less. woohoo for st. patrick's day. yep.
A yes the drunken craziness that is St Pats. I will be doing the same thing on Thursday. As for Ipod shuffle I don't know how I feel about that. Do you get to pick what you want or is it truly just random? I didn't get that. I am a little slow sometimes.
i'll tell ya one thing...it's waaayyy to easy to purchase music using iTunes...it's a good thing I like owning CDs just like I enjoy owning books rather than reading books on the online. otherwise I'd be in some serious trouble with the moneys.

on another note, I'm really ready for this winter shite to end...please send me spring...i want to go outside and play. play...
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I want an Ipod *pout* A pink one *double pout*

My addiction is Ebay, Hot Topic, and Torrid online.

I am poor so I only buy cd's of bands that I want to support. And usually those bands have really cool artwork. Example: Election Day I had to be APC's Emotive.

Yur complaining about Watervliet winter? Pussy. wink

Yea, my best friend and I both have a general rule where we take shots before we have presentations heheh.

The pain is kind of fun, cuz then you get to complain about it and it's almost like "hey, I am getting strong and you're not!" Or maybe I'm just mean. Hmm. I didn't go to the gym today because my arms needed a break and I knew we were going to do A LOT of walking at the Saint Patricks Day parade today. I'd say we walked for at least 6 miles so it evens out smile

itunes eh? You should give me your ipod! I'm full of good ideas kiss
sooo very tired this morning and I don't know why. I hate that feeling. bah. i wish everyone a stupendous day! rock on with your bad selves wink
And you better be trying to do the same! My answer to tiredness... Mountain Dew! biggrin
But the sun is shining. Get up, and enjoy it before it hides again. Hurry, hurry.
you ever have one of those days where you feel like your life doesn't have any direction, you haven't really accomplished anything?? I feel like that today. Sometimes I just want to get in my car and drive...no real destination. I'm not sure where I'd go. I would come back, but I wouldn't know when. Just one of those days. blah
Liking Tori does not make you less of a man. My goal is to find a straight man who loves Tori, add pierced nipples and I am so yours
That description has been my life for the last week. It blows!! If I were you, I'd probably try to save some money and THEN runaway in my car.
wanted to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. i'm tempted to change my birthday just so I can get this kind of attention all the time wink haha
Actually I did not stay away from the vodka. I had 3 shots of absolute mandarin and a screwdriver. I drank much more before and after that. I was a little out of control last night. It was great. My bday is coming up. hint hint...

Hey, I pay you enough attention wink
i'm gettin old wink
a little hut on the water where you dont have anything to do but sleep all day and get breakfast in bed and read and relax - take me with you!

how's that two day shadow going? wink
smile HAPPY BIRTHDAY smile

..and the snow commeth. i'm all prepared...laptop is home and ready to go in case I get "snowed in." it's too bad i'm a lowely contractor and can't get a fuckin vpn account so I can work from home once a week...that would be really nice. boss peoples just don't get that we'd all probably work much better if we weren't in the fuckin office...
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Hey there!! Happy birthday . I can kind of understand your problem with Vodka. I love it too but no matter how little I drink it knocks me on my ass. *shrug*

Party on birthday boy!
Happy Birthday babycakes!! kiss
friday friday friday. woooo! i'm going to the CIA for lunch tomorrow. I hope it tastes yummy. it certainly some of the most "bling" food I've had, or will have rather, the pleasure of eating. i'll let ya know how it turns out!
Hahah you said "so buck up champ" wink

Thats some serious cash. I wish tuition was less. I am very poor, very very very poor. I go to a state school purely because it was my cheapest option. I applied and got into a lot of schools but I couldn't afford the extra money I would still need after loans and scholarships and grants. It fucking blows. Thats the only thing I've really resented about myself and my mother being poor. I know I could've done much better than a state school and I had selling myself so short.

Thats the primary reason I am taking time off from school before going to grad/law school. I can't afford it so my plan is to pay off all my debt (which is basically just my car) and then save up so I can just squeek by when I do go. I figure it's better than jumping right in and freaking out when I'm there smile

Tough guy... actually I kind of like it when some boys call me that. It's kind of a flirtatious thing. Or so thats my history with it smile

I like lots of smileys! Makes me know people enjoy talking to me smile whatever confused love wink eeek shocked tongue surreal biggrin blush kiss
You suck at commenting on the weekends wink
not much new, but I figured I'd update just to change the scenery. I lead a boring and uneventful life wink

so I'm pretty sure that gig I applied for is a bust. I haven't heard from them rat bastards at all even though I've e-mailed once and called once and was told they'd be in contact with me to let me know either way. Fuck...
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Going back to school? Well right after I graduated I went and got my master's and I'm glad I did it then, coz I don't think I could muster the motivation to go back now. But if you can, you should defintely give it a shot! A master's comes in real handy down the road smile
I figured you were a tough guy cuz you go to the gym. And yes, I am a tough girl cuz I go to one wink

An old friend of mine went to RPI for undergrad and grad. I forget what he majored in; I haven't spoken to him in forever. His family was well off though sooooo, money wasn't an issue smile I can be financially irresponsible but when push comes to shove, I make sure I can make ends meet first. I'm not gonna be a welfare addict!

I am only taking 22 credits so I can graduate on time. I really want out of this town so I am willing to work extra hard to make sure that happens before the end of this year. And i had ANOTHER great workout today and I feel 100 times better kiss

You like the picture of me smiling or you like the " biggrin " smiley? wink