Ok people question of the day.Do you think it is still bad in today's society for women to have multiple sex partners and men get a pat on the back.
In my own honest opinion, if men are able to do so, women should be able to as well. It took me years to finally come to this agreement with myself because I was very indoctrinated to believe in things that our previous generation found essential for us to live a much better and well-mannered life.

I do not think it is bad for women to have multiple sexual partners. Male or Female, both genders have to be fully ready for the experience, though. It could drain you emotionally if things ever were to go wrong.
Had a short day at work today.I got some much needed me and my toy time.lol I would like to here your stories of what you do in your free time.
wanting to go do something for halloween this year. does anyone know of any costume parties or anything goin on in northern alabama or southern tennessee?
i'm not sure but if you hear of something fun let me know. i'm in chattanooga. smile
I don't think there is goin to be none
New to this.looking to meet people in are area to hang with and get to know.We are very kinky but also shy we love for people to watch us have sex but to shy to do it in front of strangers.we are in northern alabama near tennessee state line if any ideas drop us a line.oh yea she loves to have sex with women and...
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