Pinkeye sucks.

What sucks even more is that apparently it's viral and doesn't usually respond to medication. That means that the awful ointment I've had to use in the past was unneccesary.

I was playing around and added some random pics. There's even one of my dearly missed VW bus.
Pink eye does indeed suck. And highly contageous. Go spread it around.
I just can't escape it, can I?

I hadn't been to the site in a few days, so I just saw the article about Illeana Douglas and her new movie Dummy. The producer of the movie is A's ex, very recent ex at the time I started seeing her. She had told me about the movie, so of course hearing of it reminds me of...
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Just keep looking forward instead of back - easy to say, hard to do, eh?

"Shyness is nice, but shyness can stop you / From doing all the things in life you'd like to..." wink
I did end up working, although I didn't know for sure until after I got there. Well, my friend wanted the night off, so she said to the owner "K is here, let her work and I'll go home."

I didn't have any luck finding a GIrl Scout uniform, and I wanted to wear something a little more versatile in case I wasn't working, so...
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so, wait, what does a gothic school girl wear??? a black skirt and ... um,.... black button up shirt?
how about a depressed school girl.... biggrin
If I do end up working Girl4Girl, the theme for the night is uniforms. Any suggestions? Preferrably something reasonably cheap and easy to find or put together. I was contemplating checking the thrift stores for a little Girl Scouts uniform or something similar to squeeze myself into, but on the chance I don't find one, or someone has a better idea...

I also have some...
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when i was on tour this summer, a girl that worked at a venue i played at, opened the door to the place in a girl scout uniform from the 40's... my jaw dropped... Go for the scout uniform... and take a picture...wink
do you have a formal vocalist education of sort, my older sister is an Opranic Vocalist,,, a Saprano i believe...
the one tonight? hmm, try Red Light in the U-district, they often have stuff like that; i know they've had BOY scout uniforms there before (i got a fireman's jumpsuit there once)... also, like Tjaden said, the Army/Navy in Belltown or the one on 1st South, down by Starbucks HQ.

Have fun!
I'm still waiting to hear if I'm working Girl4Girl on saturday. Flake. *fingers crossed* This is going to be a crazy work week. Hopefully I can get sunday off at my other job, so I can get some sleep, especially since I'm singing for a funeral on sunday afternoon.

Work, work, workout, work, workout, work, work. Welcome to my exciting life.
funeral singing... what would you happen to be singing?
I've been so busy lately, I'm exhasted.

I just started a new job Monday night. Hopefully I'll start getting some regular, busy nights so that I can cut back a few days at my other job. It will be so nice to have a tipping job again. It's nice when hard work and friendliness and so on actually gets you something. Is a little appreciation...
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yeah VWs are where its at,,, i always had a thing for the old ones.... but now my baby is a 20th Anniversary GTI.... oh, and the tofu thing... um... yeah.. it didnt really go down like it might seem... read a few posts back... hehe
Oh!! You're in Seattle! I didn't check your profile before..oops! The show last week tha I went to was in LA.
I went out to Sunset Bowl on wednesday night, but I'm not really sure who I met...

I'm feeling pissy. I really wanted to go out tonight, stay out too late and drink too much, but I couldn't find anyone to go with. I guess it doesn't help that I had to work until 11. mad
That sucks about Wednesday; i don't know, i wasn't there. Did you make it to Leilani last night? I missed, but i'll guarantee that freckle and roxy were there.
There *is* always the beach burn at Golden Gardens Friday nights, and i think we're doing a 2nd Ave drunk circuit on Labor Day evening (Shorty's, Croc, Lava, Rendezvous, etc.)
If it makes you feel any better, I went on tuesday and didnt meet anywone tongue

You should come tomarrow to the beach though!
I wanted to go meet up with the SGSeattle people on wed, but I got off work too late. frown Oh well, I'll try for next week.
haha, yes, it's not that i don't agree with him; it's just the creep-out factor esp. after the details of his boyhood ob/gyn adventures... it was like a John Irving novel.
i was so obsessed with madeleine l'engle for the longest time. the wrinkle in time books are great, some of her other stuff is pretty good too. kind of guilty pleasure reading, usually about angsty teenage girls, but a little more serious than good old judy blume. did you ever read the other side of the sun? i think that was my favorite of her books.
I watched High Art last night. The attraction between Lucy and Syd was so intense and beautiful. At the same time it was kind of hard to watch, because so much of Ally Sheedy's character reminded me of the ex-girl. A similar manner of speaking and expression. Hair a bit longer and blonde, but basically the same cut. Tall and thin. Angular face, but prettier....
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I understand your crush on Fractal, oh yes! I was just wandering around the hook up page and found yours. Maybe you should go by my candid pics, sthg interesting for u there!
Hi Amelie, euuuuuh, Starvixen smile , didn't mean to make you jealous but to share this little BIG moment of pleasure I had smile Oh, New Order... Did you see the movie "24 hours party people"? It's awesome!
I've been considering submitting some pics. I mean, hell, I may as well have fun with it while I have it, right? I won't be young forever.

Still, it's a scary thought.
oooooh, yeah, scary thought it is... but then, once you decide you're going to do it, everything becomes SO much easier... and besides, you'll be worshipped. that can't be so bad, eh?
:-) You'll totally be worshiped. I think the best atestemant is when a girl's set comes out, they get so stoked in there journal. I think it is the coolest fucking thing ever when girls pose for what is ultimately an incredibly positive site.