i think i am going to grow my hair out.

i lost 11 lbs since starting weight watchers. only 49 left to go. but to think in a smaller number 9 to go until i reach my 10% goal.

i am hoping to lose most of it by the summer. like by Josie's birthday- the 4th of July.

So if i grow my hair til...
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4- Thats how many nights baby Sada has slept well. smile smile yes, yes, yes.

she still will NOT take a bottle, though. I go back to work soon so she needs to take a bottle. but sleeping all night (wakes up to nurse but falls right back to sleep)well, its a start.

2- thats how many weeks I have until I go back to work. I'm...
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Just thought I would share this incredibly adorable picture with you. How can such a berserker baby look soooo innocent?

Mead!! smile
SO FUCKING TIRED!!! seriously

new baby = no sleep

okay i guess i knew this equation before but.....well....it sucks.

in other news. going to a tattoo convention today. with both kiddos....yikes!!! going to see if i can get some ideas. probably won't get one done BUT who knows.

my sil and her man are going, too. couldn't go without them. they will help wrange the...
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Men should come with nipples that work, no? Equal rights, my ass...

Anywho.... you'll always be cool. Even if you get a soccer mom haircut and actually end up being a soccer mom (and you know damn well who will get that SCR MOM license plate for ya wink ).

Yeah... moving makes me sad too. And it often sends me into crying fits that Andrew, for some reason, still deals well with. But, it's less than 2 hours away and you guys are always welcome, rain or shine, invite or not... always! And you better not use those nieces of mine as an excuse! Your boobs might even work better in Gainesville! And did I mention that we have a park for a backyard, complete with 3 baseball diamonds and a dog park? Plenty o' Zoe and Daisy room there!

Tell your dad I said hi! Have fun at Sea World! Oh yeah, when am I going to see that new tat?
i need friends to comment on my lonely journal entries. So if you read this comment. I have had people request to be my friend but I prefer to have someone at least say hi before they ask me out! wink

baby FINALLY slept okay last night!! I feel refreshed!

My dad is coming here for a week. He's never been to florida to visit me....
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I've not seen Rollergirls. The commercials have made it out to be something that simply isn't to my taste. The girls seem lovely and snarky, but the presentation of the show...alas.

Still, it does seem like a fun sportish type thing.
my friends keep going grey! frown

In other news....life with 2 babies is difficult and chaotic and wonderful all at the same time.

Josie has been amazingly great with sada. Sada is a difficult baby. she cries....ALOT....way more than Josie ever did. Some days are hard, like I expected it would be and some days are way easier than I expected. I had such an easy...
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Sada Elizabeth
Dec. 14th 7:21 pm

9 lbs 11oz
22 inches

born underwater at the birth center. We are both home and doing great!
Holy crap!!!! Merry Christmas ! I can't wait to see the pics!!! Congrats!!! kiss kiss kiss
I'm going gray, but I leave you with my best wishes!

It's been great to know you. You are a way cool mama!

Good luck with those babies! I'm sure you are a super mommy to them!
No baby yet, but I think that something might be happening...don't want to get my hopes up, but hopefully it will be soon........
we have orange trees in our backyard and we got an electric citrus juicer. I can juice a glass of fresh OJ in like a minute and it is SOOOO frickin' tasty you have NO idea. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I think I might go grab some oranges and have me a glass now.

Speaking of your sister... have you told her about your SG porn habit yet? tongue
Yeah... I hear ya... I don't porn here either, but it was damn funny thinking about showing your sister naked goh girls! Yeah, school has severely damaged my brain...
Come out and play baby Sada......we can't wait to meet you!!!!

smile smile smile smile
I'm just trying to be patient. This baby will come when she is ready and I can't do anything to change that.

Ah sweet surrender. It is good practce for labor anyway!
I am very excited for you and sending you thoughts of a peaceful birth for you both!
Hang in there. She will come!

My mantra during my 3rd's birth was okaaaay baaabeeee. Sweet surrender. It's good for us.