Ruff day so far. Luvamoose is sick and has puked everywhere around the house, and when a dog her size pukes anywhere you know it. I've got some kinda dizzy headache thing going on, prolly due to the snow that's supposed to blow in tonight.

I'm waaay sensitive to barometric pressure. That, and the music of John Tesh.

So no, the hills are not alive...
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I had to go to Wal-Mart. Had to. I had no soap. None for me, none for my clothes. It's the only store open past 9 here.

Clean bed linens and undies are worth it, right?
The evil empire!
So I've picked up after Luvamoose, vacked and dusted. I even burnt a smelly candle. Damn I'm domestical. Soon I will be wearing A-line skirts, aprons and making highballs for Ward while trimming the crust off sammiches for Wally and the Beev.

That or I will get terminally bored, drink grape kool-aid and play Bioshock.

One or the other, it's a toss-up. Imma go listen...
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Parents, they get more bizarre with age.

I went over to Mom and Dad's last night to visit and weasel the last of the party mix. Mom was watching some network show about people who thought they could dance, so I hung out with Dad. Dad turns to me and says something to the effect of "Check the East pasture I want to cut that...
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cute smile
Fell asleep on Prince of Persia on the couch with Luvamoose, something to behold as nature made niether of us what you would call petite creatures. I haven't had a lot of time to spend with my dog this week, it was mostly work and sleep, and until we both conked out, she was soaking up the attention.

Watched both of the Swedish Lisbeth Salander...
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My favorite film I saw last year would have to be Beautiful Losers...
blarg! - my coworker put me in the worst mood. I am seriously pissy.

Sorry I pointed out that you went back to your POS ex-boyfriend that makes you cry, at work, on a regular basis, for the 3rd time in 5 days.

YES when he invites you over to "just hang out" -- he's trying to get into your pants.
YES when he apologizes...
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I've got the creeps on top of heebie jeebies, surrounded by wiggins. And also, every light in the house on. I think I may have just driven through a David Lynch film.

I will elaborate. Allow me to set the scene; Rural Indiana, weekday night, late. It's 36 degrees with fog developing and a constant heavy mist. It's pitch black except for the headlights of...
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Hold on a minute, I got so excited I forgot where this was going. Mebbe I'm just stoked to be in a good mood. When I figure it out, I'll get back to you. wink
I figured it out, I don't have to work tonight and Mom made chili. It doesn't sound like much, but plopping down...
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Almost 10 hours of sleep. If Luvamoose hadn't gotten gas somewhere around hour 3, it would have been heavenly. However, I am not complaining. I feel the return of my sunny disposition.
Aaarghh! I spoke too soon, worst day's sleep ever.

Up every 90 minutes or so. Changed jammies, took off socks, ran a netflic for noise, hung a wet towel in the room, peed, got a drink, read for a bit, NOTHING helped me sleep.

Here's hoping today I get to sleep more than 90 minutes at a lick.

If you don't read Diessel's blog, yer...
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true. Shit passes. Golden times stick around.
