I get my newish 2004 Nissan Xterra back tomorrow! Word of advice/warning to all looking for a newer vehicle, DO NOT USE CARMAX!!! They tried to sell me a lemon, and I had to force them to fix it. Yaay for new transfer cases!!!!
Soooooooooooo happy that my Brothers in 4th SBCT, 2nd ID are now out of harm's way! Bravo Zulu guys, safe traveling!
That makes me very happy too. smile
Me too! I spent some time with 4/2 and 4/9 INF this past year for OIF 09-10. That time lead me to transfer to Psychological Operations, my time with the Infantry was with a Tactical Psyop Team influencing the populace and also when needed, manning a 240B, I <3 that weapon, lol
FML!!!!!! I need a new car, my truck is broken down, and a lot sooner than anticipated too! Dammit! So much for buying a brand new car in the Spring!
Headed for Solomon's Island to chill with the Grandparents. Made the cut for Roanoke PD, but the Cop doing the test was a bigger asshole than I can typically deal with. I will be seeking employment at another department.
Headed to Roanoke in the AM >smile
I can't wait to come home and chill with the coolest, sexiest, smartest punkrock chica he knows smile
I am not surprised to hear that the Wikileaks source is PFC Manning. He had the access and the motive. However, I am beyond pissed at both him and at Julian Assange. What those two did, releasing the names of Afghan citizens who only wanted to help Coalition forces, interpreters, and tipsters, thats beyond mean, that is Treason, that is collaboration with the enemy during...
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Range Day tomorrow with the new Glock! Soooooooo stoked!skull
ahem.. in honor of a christmas story
"dont shoot your eye out"
Lol, I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!! It is based on a series of short stories that are just as awesome. But I digress, The Glock is a new firearm for me, but I promise not to shoot mine, or anybody elses eye out wink