w00t! New Ember set is up! Maybe now she'll quit complaining about silly girly things.

Work is still a bit slow from the holidays, except for last Friday when I worked all day long and stayed late.

FFXII has been good times so far. Now that I'm starting to have actual party members, I'm enjoying the gambit system. My only qualm is with setting up...
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what a nerdy entry.
I love you, my sweet nerd!

Jeez, Midna keeps wanting me to throw the milk tab. It's cute but my arm gets sore after awhile. We need to start lifting weights at the gym.
Wachovia is charging me an overdraft fee because I never exceeded my balance. Merry Christmas to you, too.
Yesterday Ember bought me Final Fantasy XII. After getting home I popped it in. After about half an hour of awesome pre-rendered movies, I finally got to play.

Also, we're pretty sure that the final boss is a flock of seagulls. But we may be missing the mark just a bit.

So far, visually, it's great. My only real issue, Ember noticed it too,...
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I am fiending for a new full-blown RPG game to play. I just watched some trailers for the various Final Fantasy XIII games, and even the super blocky low-res Youtube compression can't hold back whatever glands in my mouth produce drool.

But the release date (for Japan) is a year from today.

So! Final Fantasy XII is only $20 now! I think I want it...
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22ish hours left of 2007. Man, that went by fast.

I've spent the past couple days doing some web design work for myself. It's a lot of fun using new CSS 3 styles. It's a shame that it would take hours (and weeks) to back port these for other browsers. You know... Internet Explorer...

And now that I've done some light testing, seems like Firefox...
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I'm tired. I miss sleeping in.

Xmas went better than I anticipated. Got a couple cool gifts, a few I wasn't expecting. Ember's "first Xmas" was enjoyable, she said. That pleases me.

Though we still have to buy each other gifts. Eventually. Maybe when money isn't as tight.

Hmmm... Working the week of Christmas is weird. Almost spooky though because hardly anyone's in. This...
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Three and a half hours till Christmas!

I don't know why I'm excited because I'm pretty sure I'm not getting what I really want until later. Ember and I are a) broke, b) still haven't bought each other gifts yet. Which reminds me, I should probably start looking up what I want.
My iPhone now knows where I am.

I can't wait to get lost and use this to find myself.

Today was a good day. Yesterday we got a [new to us] rear-projection TV, now that Mark replaced it with a 40-something inch HDTV. I need to finish hooking up the receiver and the Wii so I can play Mario Galaxy.

Where Mario is a foot...
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Our cats are sick again. Tuesday I woke up to finding vomit everywhere (and some poop, not nearly as much as the vomit). While I was at work Ember said Madison was throwing up a few more times. She dropped him off at the vet and we picked him up later that night. Several tests and billions of dollars later they did not find any...
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Apparently there's a big snow/ice/rain storm coming Sunday... so the new TV is on hold. Dammit. If we don't get a chance to pick it up the following weekend, we probably won't get it until next year with all the holidays and stuffs.

Also: I remember why I hate taking trains. Last night I arrived at Princeton Jct at 8:15. I got home around 11...
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