well its getting down to my last couple of days on sg frown i want to renew but i dont have a debit card because of my ex boyfriend and i should save my money at the moment and put it back into my business if i come up with the money i would need someone to put it on their card and i would give...
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Wish I was close enough to help! frown
Cause I think we should hook up. I live half my time in Escanaba ya know.
i had the best gosh darn birthday ever!!!! i got my period, which was very late and making me super nervouse i also got to have a party for one of the best people i have ever known so that all the attention wasnt focused on me. then i went home as my party went to the bar i met up with my woods friends...
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Congratulations! Hope that you have half a Happy a New Year as the Birthday!! kiss kiss
Belated Happy Birthday and Happy New Year! biggrin ooo aaa
ok ok i am gonna try to answer all my comments in this journal! i am really hung over this morning and need to crawl back into bed so sadly i wont be giving you all individual updates but do know that it is not because i think less of you, in fact i miss you guys so much! Ash was right on assuming i...
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Happy birthday!! kiss
Happy birthday to you too! Too bad it wasn't the same year, that would just be nuts.
i hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving!! i know that i did i hung with the fam for a night and my boy got along wonderfully with them Yay Yay Yay...then i saw my lovely friend jen and her new baby henna....so beautiful!...then we met up with sophast andbelladonna i miss them soooooo sooooo much!! its lonely in town with out a couple...
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thanks for the sweet words this morning kiss kiss kiss I love you so much lady!!
im working on ryan ..i dont know if we could arrofd anouther move $ and mentaly but i do know i miss you guys sooo much (((HUGE HUGS))) i wana give you a real one sigh*

anywho update your journal lady i wana know whats new in your worlds and all the juicy gossip lol biggrin also check out my journal babe!!
its a total cutness facter of a billion so beware lol
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
i knew this winter was going to be the best ever!!! it is just the first snow fall we have had yet and school is canceled and so is work all i gotta do today is veg and finish up my piles of homework this is very nice maybe massage class will be canceled too i could really use a personal day this rules its...
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What kind of massage class do you take?
Sounds like you are learning pretty much everything I have. So far, after having over five years experience with body work, I feel myofascial release and energy work, like reiki ,seem the best. All treatments have their place, though. Where are you learning myofascial? I learned from John Barnes; He's an amazing person!
hmmm got sick yesterday....feel like poo....i got will wonka to watch i havnt seen it yet so i cant wait for the boy to get home with candy so we can watch the movie biggrin i should be writing a paper on how therapeutic massage can help depression and anorexia but having a shit hard time finding info hmmm what to do i just wanna nap...
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feel better babe....

tell ian hi and have him get an SG account!

(hug) miss ya frown
Thanks for commenting on my set! kiss
not much new on the homefront..i have been studying all the massageable muscles ...go on ask me any massageable muscle question and i will answer i am full of knowledge try me!! wink actually ask me anything about massage i will answer it you all could help me study. i cant wait for thanksgiving i am gonna see all my long lost friends biggrin and some family...
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~fuck no my fam doesnt like my sig other!! ugh
~we dont 7speak to either of our families, if that tells u anything, hahah
~Hmmm, nope .. not at all

You must be almost done with your schooling!! I heard it took 2 yrs to earn that sort of degree, unless u are doing some sort of physical therapy type shiiiit. Uhm .. lets seee ... tell me the name of the muscle on your neck. The right side, kinda towards the back. Yeah. That hurts me .. I was in a car accident the other day, pooooo frown
jesus, I dont even think I can pronounce what you just said! haha! How hard do u think it will be to find a job after your schooling is done? Does ur school have job placement programs or anything? I know for cosmotologists, its definitely hard to find work when you're fresh outta school ... everyone wants EXPERIENCE these day, blah. How the hell can someone get experience if no one hires them? whatever
vrooom baaat baat reeeeet....those are some fun noises i have been making cause i just got back from rally races this weekend!!!! so much freaking fun, seriously ladies and gents what is more fun than driving a hot suby wagon or sexy mitsubishi lancer as fast as you can through the dirt northern michigan roads ...oh it gets me all hot thinking about it!! i...
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im glad you had fun!!

you have been tagged!!! please write twenty interesting facts about yourself and then tag five friends to do the same kiss

kiss kiss kiss
yay yay yay yay yay yay thanks ry and amy!!!!!!!! kiss
here is jupitor in a drawer he doesnt fit but dont tell him that tee hee
here is my sweet princess juno posing with posies sh eis soo sweet
here she is thinking about busting me
she busted me
juno and jupitor being so sweet aw
i dont have any...
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hahahaha well come on dude, you KNOW theyre fucking cute as hell. smile who DOESNT like kittens??!

and thanks for your post .. I didnt mean to get u all worked up over my boss's assholery, hahah
tag, you're it!
dun da da dun...i woul dlike to introduce you to my kittiies since i now have the capabilities to post pictures. miao!!
here is my large kitty Jupitor he thinks he fits in this drawer ha ha...................it wont work ryan im crying now!!!!! you guys will never see my kittens ever *pout* i am leaving frown
hey hun ok this is what you do you click on the pic you want then right click...choose properties at the bottm......copy the webaddy it gives you...then on the right side select image and place the web address you got from the properties box into the little box that has popped up and click ok and whala after to post your entry it shoudl be up there kiss