i saw the man in the moon for the first time tonight

true story.
your lolcats iz funneh smile
omg-- those lotus ones are the sex!!! i'm not a big fan of plugs, but those are great.
ha. i havent updated in over a month. i've posted only slightly in one of the only groups i'm really active in.

my life as of late

getting read for school
working at least 30 hours a week combined for both jobs.
getting pell and hope grant
losing one of my paychecks the week before i need to buy books for class...
starting school.

my trip to florida will no longer be happening. beth has informed me that they are so bombarded by visitors that her and her dad just want to be left alone. i know this isnt a way for her to try and cop out of being my friend or seeing me. i just happen to get mixed into everyone not leaving them alone. which i...
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hey how ya been?
so i got my tattoo yesterday. i will have pictures up maybe tomorrow. my stupid USB port is on the fritz. and i dont feel like restarting my computer right now.

i LOVE working at claires. i'm just gonna go ahead and say that. and i LOVE having terry as my boss. cause she loooves me. and its totally cool about anything i do. i...
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i still have two hours left of my birthday. but whatever.

today was amazing. and it sucked balls as well.

my parents still treated me like it was a normal day.

and would try and fight with me about crap.

a few of my BEST friends completely forgot.

i havent even heard from my own BROTHER.

i'm gonna kick his ass.

plus, my stye was...
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happy bday
Well happy birthday
birthday wishes -

to pay off my car
get a camera
FOR YOU TO FUCK OFF.....and you know who you are
to see my close friends some time this week
for my nose to quit being runny
for my stye to go away.
for torrid to give me more hours
for my boss not to get fired.
for my other boss to get fired

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Happy birthday! smile
Happy Birthday.
so lots of things going on in the world of lizzy. its pretty exciting.

like next week is my birthday.

i havent a clue what i'm getting. but i know i'll be let down. once again. my parents never have any kind of money around my birthday. which. fucking blows. i havent had a big cool birthday gift since i was 16. which was a...
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fuckin a.

in the next few weeks i'm gonna have to plan some sort of trip where i drive down to Niceville FL and see Beth. my very best friend.

it prolly wont be till after my birthday. cause my birthday week i'ma be racking up the money cause people need me to cover their shifts.

but before i start school i'm going down there...
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Wow that sucks, you're a good friend though and hopefully you will get her through this.
i'm wearing my Life Is Good PJ bottoms my mom got me for cheap at goodwill right now.


cause life is good.

i'm applying for college. i have an amazing boyfriend. my car is fixed (by me!). my birthday is in less than three weeks. i have amazing friends who i love and adore. and for once there is no bullshit in my life...
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It's okay you've been busy having a good life, I'm sure Catwoman would understand.