What a nice Sunday afternoon! The sun is shining and it's half way warm outside!!! Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!

The wind makes it too chilly for my taste.

The Blackhawks are already facing a "must win".
The 'Hawks made it through. That goal they scored in game 5 with something like 13 seconds left was unbelievable.

Sometimes, when a favorite has a tough first round, it turns out to be a wake-up call and they play a lot better the rest of the playoffs. I smell Stanley Cup for my Blackhawks.

Sorry about your Devils.
And what colour light-sabre do you prefer ?
Go with that choice.
Always go with the dark side.
Monday's are just not fun. That painful reminder that I work for the man and all that entails. would really just love to be independently wealthy, but don't we all (ha!)!!!!

I had a great weekend, getting a bit drunk and playing drunk joe kart racin' (aka Marco cart on the Wii) with the girlie Saturday afternoon. Went to the Devils game Sunday night to...
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Have fun at the game. With Brodeaur in goal, the Devils always have a great chance.

I'm pumped. the Blackhawks whetted my appetite by finally making the playoffs last year and even winning a first round series. This year, nothing will suffice short of a Stanley Cup.
to my boy, wsoxfan, was not at all fun watching your Blackhawks beat up on my Devils this past Friday evening. However, my weekend did redeem itself.....

Got to travel back home to visit the folks for Easter and had a good time visiting with them ,seeing my pup dawg and catching up with a few friends. Drove to the outskirts of DC today... and...
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Karma does have a way of coming back.
Thanks for the plug. The Hawks look primed for the playoffs.

What an awesome experience, esecially since you're a Redskins fan. It's been my dream to meet Mark Buehrle, as he's my favorite baseball player.

My fondest sports memory happened before you were born. I was waiting for the White Sox players to come out of Yankee Stadium after a Yanks-Sox game so I could get some autographs. I must have been 11 or 12. Minnie Monoso, who spoke broken English stopped to give me his autograph. When he realzed that I was a Sox fan among all the Yankees fans, he had an actual conversation with me. It was amazing, even though I had a hard time understanding him.

He got so into it that his teammates were yelling for him to get on the freaking bus already. I still have the autograph. He's stil alive and in his 80s. He works for the Sox as a good will ambassador
Yay! Finally got some Vegas pics up!!!! Gotta "love" the size limits on SG sometimes smile

Wonderfully warm day here in Jerz. Was down in Cocoa beach for work this week and it was rather cold and a bit rainy. While up back home spring time is in full effect.

Heading to up to see the Devils play this evening. Will be kinda strange that I'm...
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That was one great Saturday weatherwise, at least during the day. The temperature must have dropped twenty degrees last night here in NYC.

I'm a little worried at how my Blackhawks have been playing lately. Too many goals given up except for that 3-0 shutout.
So now everyone really knows and I mean really, really knows why I'm a Marty hater.....

Yeah, I'm the first guy , probably the only guy, to start chanting to pull him when i'm at the games. Started last year when he came back from the injury and Clemer was looking flippin' fantastic. Last night after his belly flop, which gave good ole Team USA...
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I'm not keeping up with Olympic hockey or with the Olympics in geberal.. I'm a Summer Olympics guy. I did see a headline having to do with Brodeur, but didn't read the article. It probably had to do with what you're talking about.

Speaking of bobbleheads. I was visiting my daughter the summer before last in North Carolina. I attended a minor league baseball game of one of the White Sox affiliates. They had Ozzie Guillen's (the Sox manager) bobble head to advertise the next night's promotion of giving away his bbblehead doll.

Since I was leaving the next morning, I asked the lady in the booth if I could have the display sample after the game because I was a huge Sox fan and wouldn't be there the next night. She gave it to me. So I'd like to think that I was the first person in the state to possess the the doll.
Hey, buddy. I was trying to check out your new pics, but wasn't able to access them. Maybe you can do something to correct that.

I hope all is well.
more snow on the way. as much as a mess it makes I'm kinda hoping we get pounded and I can "work from home" tomorrow. hope everyone is staying warm out there!
We got a few inches here in Windsor last night into this morning. Looks like I left the NY-NJ area just in time. I missed the snow from a few days ago too.
I heard you guys got dumped on.
from the high desert of vegas, to the seaside... not sunny, cold and snowy. but thank goodness i flew in yesterday, beating the storm and getting to go to the Devils game this evening (thus, the late night post)

Game was kinda crazy, heart breaker until about 6 minutes to go in the third and the boys were down 3-1. Pounded one in and that...
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I hear you about beating the storm. My flight was the last one out before they closed the airport, (see blog).

The Devils game sounds so exciting. I wish I'd seen it. Have a great weekend.
Dude, I was thinking of writing to you, after the first 57 minutes. THEN, thought twice about it after the final 3 minutes...
They have a habit of shitting the bed.
Trip to Vegas tomorrow! But it's a work trip..... hours of my life drifting on by while dealing with all the headaches that come along with air travel, going to a meeting that I could have dialed in for, but hey, it's Vegas, so cool!!!!! first trip of two to make out there this month. however, the next trip is a mini-vacation, which is going...
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I've only been to Vegas once. Annette and I went in 2003. Even though we saw several shows, ate like pigs, toured almost all the hotels and gambled, it sucked, mostly because I was sick for almost the whole trip.

A suggestion. Never fly when you're sick. My flight back home was torture. Fortunately, it takes a lot less time to come back from Vegas than to go there.

In spite of my story, I'm sure you'll have a great time.
Squeeze in some recreation whilst out there.
sorry folks that i've been such a slacker on my blog.... it's not that i don't want to write, just been busy.... two nights of moe. in NYC, Devils games and of course work... hope everyone is smiling!!!!!
No need to make excuses for havig a life. Enjoy your time in NYC.