I left Vermont, not this August, but the one before. It was pathetic and glorious and involved burning furniture, clothing, postcards, and throwing bullets into the fire. I moved to Jersey, not this September, but the one before, and it wasn't entirely a mistake. If anything it made me utterly aware how not to live. There are things I've been criticized of during my time...
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I don't like my father very much. Of course, I love him, those ties are hard to break, but generally my father is a bit of a bastard, though he's been one of my best friends. I was sitting around today listening to the Velvet Underground, Bowie, Lou Reed and other related (i.e. gay) music and thinking about when I was, maybe, 14. I lived...
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no, this girl tries very hard not to get herself either arrested or pulled over. It also helps that I work in the mall so I get to know a lot of the cops which is my ticket out of a ticket.
yay! you got your doggie back smile
I think I was exposed to Mark Twain at too early an age. I adored the thought of cleverness on riverboats, a linen suited aristocracy, and dirty-kneed girls with hair in their eyes. Also, I read southern horror in elementary school, Anne Rice, and much much more so, Poppy Z. Brite, in elementary school and quickly began to associate the south with sexy alcoholic boys....
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I've read and taught Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Rushdie. I enjoyed it, but it is basically adolescent literature which I read quite a bit of. He made a cameo in the film version of Bridget Jones's Diary which I had to watch for a class on Jane Austen. I despise Austen.
arab strap is breaking up.

in other news: you know what i absolutely adore? working at burger king. really. i mean. wow. what could possibly be a better way to spend eight hours of my day than getting covered in grease and shake while serving disgusting food to loathesome people? i truly live a charmed life.
But what about the reindeer section? Won't it bring them all back together anyhow?
i am so young. like the young between high school and sophomore year in college. i am that young.

... i have no earthly idea what i meant when I wrote the above last night ... I was very drunk.
If I were pressed to tell where I go when I 'go out', that is, where I am, other than work and my mother's apartment, there's a park I sometimes sit in, but really there's CVS. I spend any free time that's not at home (or this little park by the library) at CVS, intentionally, and not. I mean, fuck, it's open 24 hours and...
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"If I'm a Cassanova, than you're a supernova!"

So, despite that it doesn't come out for six days (I think) I've got a copy of the new Justin Timberlake album and it's sort of bloody amazing. I mean, I love "Justified" and all, "Cry Me A River" is one of my all-time favorite songs and whatnot, but I think this album, overall, is far far...
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you are a fag.
wow you stole my comment. fag.
I'm convinced, half drunk, at 4.19 and all, that most of the important moments can be summarized by showing a person the Cat Power "Lived in Bars" video - that's just sort of it. There's a back-story to this, that involves a dinner conversation with my mother about "hope" and "despair" and " ....... 'revolution' ....... " and my trying to convince her that however...
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