born of an egg on a mountain top
the spunkiest monkey that ever was
he knew every magic trick under the sun
he'd tease the gods and everyone and have some fun ooo aaa
ummmm ok i think

By the way you left your jacket at my place
So I know this guy, he is the brother of Jo who owns the bookshop, and his name is Roger. He's written 17 books about animal behaviour and stuff like that and at the end of January he is going to Tanzania for his work to make a DVD about how to train rats to search for landmines and tuberculosis. The landmines part seems a...
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I've joined a gym! So this morning I went and bought some new sneakers and a cute little pair of work-out shorts and this afternoon I had my first session. An incredibly fit looking young woman named Leanne showed me around and worked out a program for me and I tried out the bike, the rowing machine, the cross-country walker and the treadmill. It was...
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I'm going to the gym for the first time in ages tomorrow morning.
Wish me luck?! tongue
Rora says I have to blog more so here's an update.
Ive been single again now for the last few months and i started to get a bit lonely and realised I wasn't socialising much. So I made an effort to start seeing some friends again and I put myself on RSVP. Its been kinda fun and ive had contact with a few people but...
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Here is my first attempt at painting. My friend Meeks gave me a canvas and some paints for my birthday and this is what happened. I dont know if it's finished yet. How do you tell when a painting is finished? What do you think? Unfortunately there's a lot of texture to it that you can't really see in the photo. But it comes up...
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For some reason it reminds me of Moby Dick - spearing the white whale.

It's awesome looking.

Well, me and my girl, Trish, have broken up again, for the 4th time. I think for good this time. I kinda knew it would happen eventually with the age difference and all. We're just at different stages in our lives for anything to work out longterm. Been at little sad and lonely for the past week but that will pass. She tried to explain...
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kiss kiss
maybe you should just juggle....you are a natural after all biggrin
I'm back on medication - Efexor XR again. I took it a few years ago and it worked well for a while but seemed to wear off after 4 or 5 months. But at the time I was going through some bad relationship stress and I think it was that that sent me off the rails again. So hopefully this time, without any major stress,...
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Hiya Sweetness, nice pooches! You look quite adorable yourself :-) So, grog hey? Nasty nasty stuff. Definitley effects different people in different ways. I lived the soul destroying life of someone addicted to alcohol for 15years believe it or not. Most people don't, they look at me and can't comprehend where I've been or how dangerous it is. I went through the paranoia, alcohol induced psychosis, anxiety, depression the whole dirty bit. I'll leave it there because I hate thinking about it now, makes me feel ill and yuck, in the head and physically. But everyone is different as I said and if it is not effecfting you in such a negative way you will not stop using it as a coping strategy, it sounds like you're only seeing and feeling the positives of it at this stage? My concern for you would be when and if it does start to imapct negatively on your life and becomes your whole life then you won't be able to just stop. If you are depressed now it will be 100 times worse if you become chemically addicted to alcohol. Do your research dude. You may have already. But in case you haven't just look into how it changes pathways in your brain and how the decision to simply stop is taken out of your hands. If you ever want help or suggestions on this feel free. If I've just told you a heap of crap you didn't need to hear I apologise he he. Anyway, hope you're having a lovely day dude! xo
Division 104 sets out the regime
Control and Prevention!
But the cells we dont see
Still contain beating hearts
And the voices of men.
We don't hear the names,
Like Habib or Faheem,
And we don't hear the chains.
But we see every Federal Suit that comes in
Justify abuse
So the free can live safe and secure
In their Atro-City.
Thank youfor your lovely comment on my member review set honey! It is hard to be yummier than chocolate in my opinion! <3
1. Meat is suffering. Do not eat meat unless you have personally killed the animal.
2. Practice safe sex, even though it's not as fun.