Wow. I oughtta come to Montreal more often!!!

Sick, exhausted, and thrilled to bits. Still a couple shoots before I'm home. Must... Sleep...
Depends on the night...
Depends on the night...
Spent much of my birthday in the air; the rest with a lovely human and far too much butter-drenched seafood.
Subsequent days were very similar but with more likker.

I'm carrying around a beautiful old camera that I barely know one end of from the other. 2 weeks now, I've been hauling it place to place, hoping I'll find a few hours to puzzle through...
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Whoohoo!! I got me a passport . Now instead of packing, I'm off to some tranny bar to watch oil-wrestling with my captive from the other night.

Montrealers- please get in touch if you wanna. Heading thataway next week. and always up for offers of distraction, on-camera nekkidness, shelter, etc,.
Let's actually make this work this time.
And Happy Birthday!
All the cuffs I've got use the same key.
Most are Smith & Wesson or similar police issue; reasonably well maintained and still working fine, though i've had them 20 years. I have one spare key on my belt ring and another on my altar.

OK, so Almost every pair of cuffs I've got uses the same key. I forgot about a cheap pair I...
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Yes, I'll bet you can find some new and interesting uses for those bolt cutters. Also, you can set your sexual habits to "I buy my sex toys at the hardware store" in your profile, and it will be totally honest!
No, total honesty would be: my ex buys my sex toys at the hardware store. .smile
Update: Meeting with the producer was painless. I may give another try at finishing the video monster after all.

The laptop did have a little bend in the chassis that was making it impossible to charge.

Computer Systems Center didn't want my money as much as they wanted to make sure I wasn't stealing anything.

UofT's bookstore computer shop a block away had it running...
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Sometimes it just warks out in the end.
..and today the laptop won't close, turn all the way on or take a full charge. I'm guessing it's a combination of hinge problems and battery issues. Figures it'd manifest two days before I leave.
Y'know what they say about ebay purchases that're too good too be true? My sweetie got this on ebay.

I'm off to meet with the producer who gave herself an...
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I'm about to buy a too good to be true eBay purchase. And I just got one about a week ago.

I'm having dreams of Lomos lately.
The laptop arrived yesterday, and my hot friend S is getting me software for it...
Every birthday I feel a little luckier than the last time. Really flabbergasting that this year the gifts have such materiality and immediate practical use, too
Mebbe they're trying to tell me I oughtta keep up this photo/web/art/smut thing.

A friend who changed my life died of breast cancer Feb...
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Dreadlocked and pierced, I had people on the street shoo their children away from me.
Shaved bald, people seemed to perceive me as a lot angrier than I really am, which might've been aggravated by the fact that I'm a big girl, work in steel toes, and carry a wrench. But I'm SO not an angry person, quite the opposite, really. From June (buzz-day) to November, I never got a second glance, never a smile from a stranger, never got flirted with by a stranger, nothing. It made me feel terrible.
But! With hair grown to more conventional length and style, I've regained my head-turning powers, my smile-generating abilities, and my old-lady-random-conversation starter. I'm also a lot happier with myself, so that probably helps too.
Oh, I was just having a daydream about the blowjob, sort of a "you, in a position of power, me, helpless before you" power struggle. I think it also has to do with the idea of fucking someone at work, which I've never done.
In response to that last query: BIG cameras.
Alas, big cameras mean big debt. Since my erstwhile employer just cut me loose before I got my partially mobile chronically disorganized self around to completing the temporary disability insurance paperwork, I'm now one mightily broke and still somewhat gimpy lensgeek.

Overall that's not the worst news. Now that I'm officially separate from the univershitty, I can...
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I bought a trio of dinosaurs this month- crunchy old cameras goodness never fails to cheer me up... One arrived in the mail this morning, and the other two should come hobbling along sooner or later. Unwrapping gadgets at the post office (or at the restaurant next door) is still a giddily addictive pleasure.

Oooooh! Something for me?!? Wheeeee!
What kind of old cameras?
This is what recovery feels like... slow as molasses, but waaaay sweeter. Starting to shoot again; starting to have a little too much fun again; still hurting more than not but starting to be mobile enough to actually get to the doctor's. Took long enough!

Got a couple new pieces in a local show called 'erotic blender' coming up this month, and have my own...
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You're easy, and I'm an exotic novelty. wink
But seriously, if one more straight-laced dude comes onto me solely because I'm that girl with tattoos and piercings, he can suck it. We're too old to be dating people out of a desire to rebel against Mommy and Daddy, eh?

(Ironically, my mom is cool with all my mods, but only likes me to date straight-laced types.)
good advice. thanks!
Funny to read the last post. Since that outpouring of joy I've been dumped hard, been off on disability leave from my straight job and generally had a kinda hard time of it health-wise. Haven't done any shooting out of the house for nearly 3 months- last shoot was late September, I guess. I barely made it home from that, & wasn't much use to...
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I guess sometimes I just find it hard to believe that anyone would actually find my content questionable. I mean, aside from people my grandfather's age, who are mainly just going to throw up bluster because they secretly wank to way worse stuff than that, but want to maintain their image of "respectable elder."

I dunno. It just seems like a big double-standard for someone to say "here, you can use my content!" by posting it on the internet with that license on it, and then say "no, you can't use it, I don't like you!" when informed that I'm using it. Especially since I didn't need to tell her at all; I was just being polite. Had I kept quiet, she probably never would've found it.

Glad to hear there will soon be more dirty smut in my inbox, though. smile
Hey! You're still here! Looks like we've been through similar relationship troubles; my sympathies.

I owe you an e-mail or two. I never thanked you for the copies of the photos you took of me, so, thank you! If you ever want to work with me again, I'd be more than happy.

I've had incredible shoots all month, but the Montreal experience of working with sweet folks like kaffeine and ValCapone took the cake... gotta get the sites up. I must, I must...

The hits just keep on coming! There isn't much justice in the world, but perhaps what's currently happening to me has some root in my distant past. Today's theory: in 3 past lives I...
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Well chosen.