
I went to see Saw 3 last night and it totally kicked ass. Shawnee Smith is a total Goddess. She looks so hot, gggrrr.
Other than that i've not been up to much other than watching TV and crap like that.
I saw 2 programmes on Discovery about prisons in California....wow is all i can say. So scary and brutal. It was quite interesting...
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Saw 3 was very good smile
i aint seen any of the saw films
im so un cool wink
After the last 2 weeks being a total zombie,recluse,loner all rolled into one i'd thought i'll treat myself.
So i decided to get my pa stretched. Off i went to Ware in my lovely little car with the Cure playing nice and loud.
After i parked up i strolled along to nutz tattoo to see the lovely jackie

She was very sweet and quick as...
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hope you enjoyed your weekend and im glad your pleased with your piercing smile

the bad comments on the set dont really bother me that much...I just find it wierd that they would bother... whatever
hi peeps,

Been away for a long time i know. But i've been quite ill. I've started some new meds that completely wiped me out and have left me with a 5 day memory blank ! Oh and they caused me to not feel my feet or legs so i couldn't walk properly. It has been a shit month for me i know. But hopefully...
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Take care of yourself smile
here's something that i've known a bout for around 8 years, but thought i'd share with you....just remember if your on holiday and you fancy a dip in a river beware!

Conservation of River Sharks

River sharks are exceedingly rare. The Ganges Shark is known from only three museum specimens, all collected in the 19th Century. After an extensive search in the Ganges River over...
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eeek Thankyou for your comment honey, made me smile smile xxx
life is poo, jusy when i thought i was getting better it all cames crashing down, didn't it....am a bit worried as i've been doing some thinking and some research and i could be bipolar, thoe not 100% sure....i've had that diagnosis before but i was put on some nasty meds that totally fucked me up. in fact that was proberly the illest i've ever...
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Don't give up searching for an answer! Doctors cast patients aside far too easily!
New post.....still depressed have been signed off again. will now be a total of a month due to the kick in the teeth called depression. It sucks

Next week i think i might check out a local drop in centre to see if i can get any help that way.

Went to one of friends tonight, that was the first time i've been out socially,...
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hope you feeling better soon frown
Hey smile Thanks for the comment! No mushrooms I'm afraid, I'm just a big Miro fan biggrin
Hope you feel better soon smile
I know I messed things up
by turning gold to stone.
Because of my free will
I lied about it all the way.
I need to forget,
and make this tragic feeling go away

I never heard a word,
a word of what you said.
I never heard a word,
a word of what you said.
Too busy being selfish;
I never learned the rules...
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Chew the pill that tastes like hell, but gives you strength Embrace the drug that makes you mad, cause still it turns you into Something else Feel the need for love grows stronger! Swap your mind for a mirror-search, and shake until the break of day

One day you'll realize that you were wrong And you'll regret that all this happened Did it (all) happen?...
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Awh honey, when did they sign you off? Thats bad frown I'm starting to get the feeling that i may be out of a job soon too...not good frown xxx
'm in a wide open space, I'm standing
I'm all alone and staring into space
It's always quiet thru' my ceiling
The roof comes in and crashes in a daze

I'm in a wide open space, it's freezing
You'll never get to heaven with a smile on your face from me
I'm in a wide open space, I'm staring
There's something quite bizarre I cannot...
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start back at work tomrrow. should be fine

Saw my psychiatrist today. Am upping some meds and reducing another. so it could be a rocky ride over the next couple of weeks....or it could be plain sailing, also i will hopefully be stopping 1 med and starting another. This is to stop any of the side effects that i currently get from my current med,...
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Ooooh have you got a pic of baldy you? smile I'm on Sertraline too, just stared taking it a few weeks ago. I hate having depression, it rules so much of my life. I'm so galt that there are people out there that understand smile xx
Its 2:44am and i've been watching Hellraiser 7, yes there 7 and one more making 8...Didn't have a fucking clue what was going on in it.

Other than that i've been surfing the net looking for yoga information, prehaps with the inclination of buying a new yoga dvd...
Yoga is good smile I wish i had the patience to get into it. I didn't even realsie they made Hellraiser 2, never mind 7 or 8!!!! xxx
thanks for your comment.

did not know there was that many hell raiser films

Hello, I've waited here for you, everlong
Tonight, I throw myself into and out of the red, out of her head she sang

Come down and waste away with me, down with me
Slow how, you wanted it to be, I'm over my head, out of her head she sang
And I wonder when I sing along with you if everything could ever feel...
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Thats lovely....who is it by? xxx
hi smile