Aaaaaanddd. Moving on.

CherryCoke Invited me to go clubbing with her and some people on saturday night. Maybe I'll meet someone while we're there. I'm excited to go, and wicked nervous at the same time because I've never been much of a dancer or partyer, so this is going to be a completely new experience for me and I'm not going to lie, big social...
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So CherryCoke and I are going on a whale watch tuesday, she's never been on one! There are so many things that we need to do and I'm not sure how we're going to do all of them.
We picked out a name for our bakery: Ullr's Dream. Ullr is our dog, the one that you can see in my avatar wearing my headset and...
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College is ghey and wicked expensive. I don't know what I'm going to do right now, but it's going to be something. The commute to new castle every day is killing me.
So...I've pretty much made up my mind on going back to college, the trick now is figuring out where, when, and how the hell I'm going to pay for it. Right now I'm thinking about trying to get an appointment to the Air Force Academy, as it's always been one of my dreams to be an Air Force officer. So they run me ragged for...
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CherryCoke and I got engaged yesterday. I brought her up to the spot where we watched the Aurora a few years ago and proposed to her there. A couple of motorcyclists were there and were the first to congradulate us, and one of them also took our picture together right after I proposed, which I thought was kinda cool. They were nice bikers, and I'm...
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I'm utterly sick and tired of banks and lenders not approving me for loans of reasonably small amounts. I'm looking for $3400 for buy a damn scooter so I can continue to afford to get to work, and because my father fucked up my credit, I can't get a loan with $100 a month payments mad .
The best part is that until a month...
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The new job is going great in new castle, save for the other new kid that I work with that keeps fucking things up and getting me yelled at. He's off for the next two days, so I'm going to try to get a solid system set up for the station while he's gone, and try to persuade him to use it in the future....
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Working out at the Wentworth then?
I like the idea of alcohol now... I think I will go consume some.
yes yes. Alkehol is good.

I thought that we had already established that I was working at the wentworth? lol, see you around town!
I've decided to delve into the risky ForEx market. For those that don't know, ForEx is the buying and selling of different world currencies, plus Gold and Silver. It can be incredibly lucrative, but it also carries alot of risk. The good news is that with our country's current situation, it's pretty easy to predict the direction that the US dollar will take vs. more...
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so you've got a place? and a job? Awesome! Hope you like riding the bike at night because the traffic during the day really sucks.
let me know if you want to go on a ride- I'm here in Po-town, slinging hash and riding bikes and wishing I was a pirate instead.

I've noticed the same thing. More in the army than in any other branch, I think it's because the army has very lax standard as to who they'll take, as opposed to the Marine Corps (HS diploma required - 16 weeks (?) intensive training to weed out the ones that just want to kill), the Navy (HS Diploma Req, interpersonal skills needed), and the Air Force (HS Diploma req, generally techy-type jobs)....the army will take High school dropouts that can *mostly* read, as long as they can shoot reasonably well.

I had been thinking very seriously up until gaining admissions to law school (and I'm still thinking about it once I graduate) about joining the Marines (now obviously as part of the JAG Corp), but I was told that I couldn't because I have tattoos on my arms even though I graduated from one of the top 50 universities in the world (and from the top 3 program for my studies). Was I being bullshitted? Or are there some serious double standards going on here?

So I got a good job offer down at the coast. It's literally within minutes of an apartment that Rikki and I looked at last year, which is about 5 minutes outside of downtown Portsmouth - a town with actual culture and history and goings-on. It's right on our favorite bike route, Route 1A, which also happens to be a great driving road. Rent is...
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Money sucks. Period. It seems that every single time that you're starting to get ahead and things are going to stabilize, something comes up that throws everything to hell again. I'm sick of being fucking poor living paycheck to paycheck, hoping that at the end of the month we'll have enough money left to buy food for a few weeks.

I need a new job....
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