Reminder to myself: don't volunteer for extra responsibilities at work!

Two of my colleagues has left, they've both moved to Sweden to start training to become air traffic controllers. Anyway, one of them was the guy who did our work schedules, so they needed someone to do that after him. I volunteered for the job, and man that sucks! frown It's really really difficult. We're about...
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I have the problem of always volunteering to help out and take on extra work. Unfortunately, it rarely works out in your favor.

We do have Whiskas here in the US and yes it does suck, but at least they won't be hungry miao!!
oh ...my dear ...i love read about you ....yesterday i Tried yesterday Kangerlussuaq on google mab but I have not found... i'm curious ...How is your day .....? i want see any pic.....i know whiskas my cats lilo and stich ...Are gluttonous. : smile .....anyway ....i hope great days for you ....a big big kiss.....(psssssssss i voted for you) ..... wink kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
I wonder what this year will bring....
My parents have bought tickets, they'll be visiting in July. I'll be looking forward to that. Well, first of all I'm looking forward to going to Denmark in March. Getting some work done on the tat.

Had a nice evening yesterday. We were 8 people for dinner, 2 more showed up afterwards, bringing dessert. I had to...
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Thank you!!! blush Yes, she is very beautiful, but it is what is inside that counts!!! wink Can you believe she was about 127kg at one point last year? I can't!!! shocked She is even thinner now than when we were living together over 4 years ago!!! confused

Yeah, cleaning up after a party can sure be work!!! frown There is nothing wrong with making friends out of co-workers.......how do you think I make most of my friends?.......OK, you got me most of my friends I didn't meet through work........I am just Mr. Socialite!!! wink
Hey, that's for adding me, still learnin this site, always great to meet another herper, especially one that looks good, hehe.
Today the temp has reached -35 degrees Celsius. Yesterday it was only -25. Need I say it's a bit chilly?

So, almost New Years... That means Ren and I have been together for 6 yrs. Amazing he's been able to put up with me for so long. biggrin
I have the night shift that day, so when everybody's drinking champagne, I'll be going to work. I...
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Oh my that is cold! But there must be a rugged or romantic charm to it. I hope next year is fantastic for you!

Happy New Year to you too, sweetie!

I wish you every success and much happiness in the New Year!
I'm back in the old habits again and content on being here. I'm a bit sad about missing horses. Found a beatiful 2-yr old that I'm totally in love with and I thought about buying him. That would be pretty stupid, though. Paying for stable etc. for the next 3 yrs until I return to Denmark. But a girl's got the right to dream, right?...
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yeah, seems like you're definitely pretty "equine-savvy" wink

i mean you seem to know a lot about horses
Our trip to Denmark went well. Time passed by way too fast though. It's with mixed feelings that I've returned to Greenland.
At least I managed to go horseriding 3 times.
I'm not gonna be on here a lot. Have some soul searching to do.
Take care.
Wow . . that went by quickly!

Soul searching as in: where am I . . what am I doing . . . who am I doing it with . . where is it going?

I wish you well!

Be Happy!
hey my fantastic friend ....how are you !!!!??????for you today ...... have fantastic day today ....and many many gift .....a big kiss from me!!!! and ..sorry ...can i have a slice of your birthday cake????? kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
11 days left... So nice. smile

It's only about -9 degrees this morning. We've had some snow recently, it's so nice. Looks all Christmas-y. biggrin Kind of makes me want to be in Denmark with my family for X-mas, but it'll be nice to spend it here. We'll be at my job with my colleagues, eating and having a nice time. That way the one who has...
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brrrr -9, it wont reach -9 for a while in scotland.
probably in a month or so tongue.
Have a great week smile.
Sorry I haven't been on much.......the real world has me spinning!!! wink
Ren came and joined my at work this evening. Winter is really setting in so there's not much traffic and we decided to watch Alpha Dog. Man, that movie made me sick! puke

It's been cold today. When I came to work it was -25 degrees Celsius. The inside of your nose, all mucus and stuff freezes when you're outside. Kinda funny. It's a weird feeling....
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oh thx .....for your cute message....i'm glad to hear this....when you want come.....i'm glad.....a big big kiss for you .....We see here Monday kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
life is okay, searching for a job at the moment, hope I will find one soon.
I need a TV and a motorcycle badly tongue.
Okay, guys.
I'm looking for hair advice here....
I haven't been to a hair dresser or done anything to my hair for 6 months now. Need I say I have some serious roots. biggrin
Anyhow, I'm going to Denmark in 24 days (yes, I'm doing a count-down. biggrin ) and I've already made an appointment with my hair dresser.
Now, here's the thing: I'm not really sure...
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Glad you had a good laugh!!! wink Tell Rene' that bikes will come in time.......you just started this new part of your life.....good things will come to those that work hard for it! You 2 should be very happy with each other......that is the main thing!!! biggrin You know one of these times I will be in Europe when you guys are and I will have to come up to Denmark for a day or 3!!!

Gina is just some pretty girl I met at that open house........OK, I stalked her during the show!!! tongue

OK, my advise on the pic's of your hair. I like #2. I guess it was the first time I saw you, that you had hair this style. I never cared much for short hair.........look at mine; it's half way down my back!!! wink Color....RED!!! Red is soooo Hot!!! love
hehe... I never dyed my hair tongue.
my brother died his hair several times, orange, purple , black...
Orange was a disaster tongue.
Simply wonderfull!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
oh ..thx for your comment....my sweety ...oh yes finally i'm lucky ...i'm glad for my trip ..i'm well now only some little bruises in my face and the eye Improves every day but for now I need to bring glasses...but is not a problem i like the glasses...... wink oh hallowen in italy is'nt celebrate because it is'nt in the italian culture but i like this day ....but i think so nothing special also for me......a big big kiss for you and a very big hug!!!have always nice days .....Cold makes them?here is coming........ kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
I fell on my ass the other day.
It's slippery as hell round here, all ice baby. I was about to throw some garbage into the dumpster and my legs just disappeared under me. Must have looked pretty funny. Didn't feel funny. I've now got a gazillion bruises on my leg and arm. My knee is all blue. I'm glad I didn't smash my already...
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So one or both of you are stationed there? What do you do?

That has to be tough duty! Are there things to do off base? How often do you get leave?

At the end of the 3 years, it will probably seem like it went by quickly . . . but it won't while you're doing it!

I can't even imagine what winter must be like up there.

All part of life's adventure!
I am sorry you guys feel so restless, but you might find some new and interesting things to do?

When I was in Siberia......I fell on my ass so many times my ass was black by the time I got home!!! tongue I know how you feel!!! wink

Dogs are nice, but not if they show their teeth!!! eeek

Bowling huh? Last I went bowling.....in Russia again.......and they called me Mr. Perfect cause my form was so good.....until the ball stuck to my hand and I went flying down the ally!!! shocked ARRR!!! I still won!!! wink
My tattoo artist is fully booked until mid-May next year. I was hoping to get some work done on my unfinished cobra while I'm on holiday in November. That kinda sucks. Oh, well. Maybe some time in the spring if we go to Denmark, they'll be able to squeeze me in. I hope so. It's been a work in progress for almost 4 years. What...
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hey smile
sorry that I haven't been around for some months I was in a depressed mood for around 3 months and I wasn't in the mood for internet and such, I isolated myself too much.
I really need something good to happen soon or I will go nuts.Failed my Masters, Failed the appeal and even failed something that I enjoy doing and have been doing for 8 years: DRIVING.
what a year...
I love my painkillers!!! biggrin tongue

No Bow Hunting??? confused shocked

The guy I am using now is so gentle.......it's unbelievable!!! He works in the same shop, but I am still mad at the other guy for blowing me off one day last year......I would have never known how good this other guy was until then, so do I him??? surreal

Yep, they need to open that route so you guys can come for a visit!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
About time for a new blog I guess.
Life is good... I love my job.
Winter has come. We have snow all over the place, then it thawed and froze again so it's like an ice skating arena, slippery as hell. Temperature today is -8 degrees Celsius. It's been down to -11 but it's actually not too bad. We've ordered some Canada Goose jackets from...
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damn that's cold! skull yeah, those jackets are gonna be so good when you get them in. smile can't wait for your pics! hope you get them up soon! biggrin take care over there! aloha
haha, yeah it was yummy!! biggrin
I can't imagine how cold that is surreal I've been in the snow before, but I've never experienced it that cold, I don't think.
Yes, it must be hard if you're a warm weather person. stay warm over there! aloha smile