Damn...there has been so much drama in my life the last few weeks to point where I just feel emotionally drained. It feel like the life has just been sucked out of me. That probably sounds a little worse than it actually is. Time to move on.

Good news is that I will be getting some more tattoo work done on Wednesday this week. I'm...
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Well.... it's been a while since my last update. Normally this time of the year is my favorite time, but we are still getting 80 degree days in Kentucky. This is such bullshit.

I went out tonight to hammer down one of the big locations I needed for this upcoming music video I'm directing. The song is 11 minutes long. I also have another video...
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So I finally got around to buying a new car. My Ford Explorer was killing me on gas. Before the recent gas hike it was costing me $52 to fill it up only to get 250 miles out of it. So a little over two weeks ago I traded it in and I bought a brand new black Saturn Ion Quad Coupe. Here is a...
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yay a comics lover
A saturn...Isn't that a Mormon car....? I shouldn't complain really. Any American's that are willing to trade in an S.U.V. for an econno-box is allright by me.
I keep letting too much time pass without updating this thing. Mainly I've just been working a lot lately. I did go down to Nashville on July 15th to meet Larry Flynt and Ron Jeremy at the Hustler Hollywood store.

I've seen The Devil's Rejects twice this weekend. I fucking love this movie. This was one of the very few times I've ever left a...
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Kewl Deal thinks for the infoe on the hill. The Devils Rejects kicks ass dam good movie . Hell if you need anyone to bite peoples heads off in a movie let me know lol any ways blahhhhhhhhhhh surreal
Man I just been thinking today some one really needs to do something diffrent with the Zombies its that same thing in ever movie man . Zombie bite you and you turn into one .
Now a Movie with Flying Zombies that would make it more interesting what your think?
I'm heading to Pittsburgh this week for the Land of the Dead movie premiere & after party on Wednesday. Then on Thursday Bruce Campbell is doing a book signing in Pittsburgh. Then on Friday I'm hitting up the Monster Bash Convention in Butler, PA for a few hours before heading home. Should be a good week.
go check out the band i auditioned for yesterday, you'll probably recognize them
Thanks Smitty! That's a great photo.
I haven't updated this in a while....

I was at the Lonewolf Full Moon Tattoo & Horror Convention a little over a week ago. This was the first year that they had the horror con be part of the tattoo con. I think it went over pretty well and I hope they keep pairing the two together.

The Nashville film festival is coming up in...
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Thanks Smitty, say Hello to Kane for me the next time you see him!
I saw Danzig and Kataklysm this past Saturday nigh in Covington, KY. Overall it was a really great show. I was actually surprised at how good Glenn sounded after all of these years. About the first 40% of the show was off the last three albums, but the rest was all off of the first four. Hearing "How The Gods Kill" and "Bringer of Death"...
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Looks like I'm going to be heading down to Austin, TX for Flaststock at SXSW to film some more on the Print Mafia documentary. Then some time in June I will be heading to Cleveland to film at another show. I've been to Cleveland a couple of time for Horror Cons, but I've never had a chance to check out the RNR Hall of Fame....
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I just got off the phone booking my hotel room for Monster Mania in Cherry Hill, NJ (next to Philadelphia, PA). It's been nearly a year since I was at a con so it will be nice to attend a pretty large one. The last day of the con I'm heading back to NYC to catch a Yankees game. I planning to stay the night...
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I actually liked Deadbeat a lot, it's out of print now, glad I have a copy. Van Bebber's a kooky bastard.
Good luck on the film gig BTW.