Have a good Friday everybody.

You too, SJ.

I'm sure will talk before, but if we don't, give 'em hell this weekend.

love you
Me too
There's this thing:

Chris Matthews totally thought this was some kind of compliment.

Then there's this:

"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we...
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2. The second part of that quote is how I have tried to live my life. For real.


Hope you two had a wonderful night. You are my Waldorf..Can I be Statler?

I will, kid, I will. It kills me too.

As far as the lady. I know that feeling. It sucks, distance. Makes the together time that much sweeter.

xo sleep well.
Thank you Howard Zinn. A People's History was a transformative book for me. I am thankful I got to meet him once and tell him so.
I would even switch out a weekend day just to hang out and do that.

Thanks, darlin"
Dude, it would be scary.

I'm fucking aquaman, you're gonna kick my ass
So glad this tool blew chunks at the Senior Bowl. . God I hope the Raiders draft him. Or maybe Cleavland.
Holy sheet. I just lost it.

You guys are gonna be bad ass for long time.

I am so happy. I love it.

I don't think it sounds crazy. Sometimes you just know. In your bones.

'bout fucking time. You deserve the world.
Wow. Way to top off your health care failure with an equally disastrous and transparent dick move. Bad politics, bad policy, ineffectual and concedes ideologically to the GOP their "balanced budget" mantra which is economically unsound and is simply a tool they use as an excuse to destroy government. No health care. No jobs. Hope you enjoy President Palin, guys.

be careful there, mister. You and I are spoken for.

Hope today was ok, being without your other half.

I know how hard it can be to go from having the love of your life next to you, and then have them not around.

At least you have the beater.

♥ Take care of you, honey, and if you need to chat call.
Jets lost this weekend but both games were great and I had a great weekend nonetheless. Next weekend will be a challenge. Getting certified as a Level 2 kettlebell instructor--16 hours of swinging and presses a lot of iron and doing body weight training. If I pass the cert and get my level 2 credential I will have a +2 kettlebell attack and a +4...
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I actually do the dance with the dress and purse and the boots, b/c that's how I roll.

Thank you for the kind words on my journalthingy. I am doing well. Just feeling like life is coming together in a way that it should have a long time ago.

As far as your weekend

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I am so glad that she loved your singing. That makes me sqee a bit.To be honest.

And the "it" well, Smithers, my love, if you can find a woman, a partner, who stimulates your mind and your heart. A love that is friend, who can sit up and talk for hours with you. Then you are blessed. Combined that with physical attraction that is pervy and beautiful, and you sir have hit the jackpot.

If there is anyone in the world that should have that. It is you. I love you, my friend.

I've got nothing but faith in you when it comes to the certs. I'll be around @ work Saturday, text me if you need a pep talk. Sunday I hit the road for a beer adventure, but I will still be around for you.

Kick some ass.

I bet. I know you.

You should. something with good music in it.

Adventureland was good, 500 days of Summer..and others.

Ok, so how did the singing go?

Also..as far as the spoiler, I feel so tacky asking this, but was it worth the price of admission?

"We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace--business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.

Never before in all our history have these...
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Rock that banjo, Big K.

I'd write our songs with my feet if you asked me to.
One of my all time favoute songs, sung by one of my heroes
"Came down on a bottle rocket
Found my heart right were I locked it.
Last night like rain on chalk
Its gone like money in my pocket."