i purchased 400$ worth of enjoy products in the last 24hours
and im getting all my hair cut off friday
cosy school is WILD
OMFG one of those days
came home and hit my BIG BLUE BOTTLE (Skyy vodka)
or as i have to say in class Shmyy Shmodka
first of all let me say that i LOVE my hott ladies .. and ronnie(the only straight guy)...from school
they are all amazing
ANyway today first things first, im doin a wet roller set with a half circle on...
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I partied to much to get a set in this weekend
whole new folder of pix up tho
new & old pix in it =)
you look amazing as always
Dear SG i wanna do a new set like HELLA maybe this weekend?
i started school yesterday and its awesome
i'll write more later
Do you take summercourses or something? Cuz my school starts in September...
Ah okay! Here enrollment dates here in the Netherlands are usually February or September. That's why I asked.

Glad to hear it's fun!
dont call me baby...
ughh newest and most intense pet peeve
men (especially older ones) i dont know
refering to me as, honey, baby, sweetie, cutie, gorgeous, sexy, beuatiful, mami or any other name along those lines
its really not acceptable for anyone to call me any of those except for my boyfriend, and possibly ex boyfriends
Especially not older men and especially if I...
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New pix
1 in dance in ur skivvies &
1 in the defualt pix folder

hmmm i start school monday I CANT WAIT
all u vegas people better come see me once i start workin in the clinic
im movin in with my homegirl (who is also my bro in laws g/f) soon
its gunna be fuckin sweet
FINALLY a place of my own, well...
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I wanna go to school to, this (being stuck at home) sucks big time!
3 songs i can absolutely not get enough of:

    What I've Done- Linkin Park
    The Pot-Tool
    Shinedown- Godsmack

i kno i'll play em to death but i dgaf =P
i went shopping today, joeys going to kill me. i need to think of a way to make sum more money
school starts in just over a week yay. but ughh yea im broke =( i...
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tool is the shit
i forgot to take pix at the beach lol
next time k =P
well i hope you had fun at least
right on
i've been busy but i've been having my share of the fun times
Ok here's the dealio about the nudez... i've got alot of complaints about removing them & guess wat i dont give a fuck. they are my pictures and i aint getting paid to have them up so if u've got a problem with that fuck off. IF there is a next time on me dong an SG photoshoot then cross ur fingers its not rejected...
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my grandpa passed away this morning....
yesterday at work i got a new asshole torn for counting how many times this one bus boy went to the restroom.... 17 times between 7:30 and 1!!!!! wtf sorry but 1 customer asked me if the kid was doin lines in the bathroom & tons of customers were bitching about the dirty tables... this kid wasnt doin his...
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Wow... You're tough, girl. I have been through similar things and I have a vague idea of what you're going through. I hope you get to say goodbye to your grandad and let go of all this. It's just not good to hold it up inside, I know because I've done that for months now and twice last month I felt I was about to blow up. I was even hoping to do some violence last thursday. At work.


Hope you feel better about everything, really.
Oh hun I'm so sorry. I really do. my thought are with you and your family now.

Hang in there, ok?