so 2day i did get to sleep in the back seat while on patrol.. so that rocked.. and i have 2 morrow off.. now wouldnt it be cool if their was sumthing to do in this place.. but i have started planning my vacation once i get back and all the good jazz.. and i have gotten sum jobs lined up for NY in march...
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you gotta take a niiiice expensive vacation when you get back. I bet you made so much money there!
ahhh you got charged tongue oh well
and i will have an other drink tonight although my body is starting to quit
so the weekend has came again.. fun fun .. well they did have a curfuew 2day for all the iraqis cause of the whole zarqawi thing.. if u havent heard i guess he was a big time target.. but did u know the guy who turned him in got 25 million .. NO SHIT.. so this 1 iraqi decided to tell sum dude where this...
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never would have guessed it.. but its getting hotter.. no fun.. but another day done means another day closer to coming home... its starting to get a lil crazier again.. it has its times where everything dies down and its quiet.. i guess u could call it the calm b4 the storm .. thats when they re-supply. so they say itll prolly be crazy for...
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well its the weekend smile yay huh .. well i always spend my weekend just wondering how much alcohol is being consumed.. how many random hook ups will happen.. etc. i would love to know the stats on average intake of booze on a weekend ..

anywayz i did talk to my buddy and it was quite ruff.. he isnt to happy with the results of...
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well i got bad news about a good friend at home.. he was driving drunk and flipped his car a couple of times.. crazy thing is .. if he WOULDVE been wearing a seat belt he wouldve died.. life huh.. u can lay in bed and ponder on all the current events in ur life .. or the past events.. and do u ever really...
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so if u didnt know.. its hot in iraq.. and u wanna know sumthing they dont tell u on tv... its smells like straight asshole here .. maybe cause 65% of the people here are assholes.. or maybe cause the sewage runs directly into the streets.. and i do appoligize 2 the one or two people who might actually read this if u were eatin...
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im sorry!
so once again im hot and tired and i just wanna get home .. i did see one thing that was quite disturbing 2day.. well .. everything here is a lil twisted.. u just get used to it..

anywayz.. this old iraqi man was on his lil cart behind a donkey that was about as old as he.. and i noticed he was beating the...
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ha! you guys totally upgraded to our cadpat tongue im not sure how americans work but are you reg force or reserve?

p.s. we're always told never to risk our lives for our patients or we'll end up making ourselves a patient as well and there will be no one to heal the wounded.

[Edited on May 31, 2006 11:44AM]
so once again im hot and tired and i just wanna get home .. i did see one thing that was quite disturbing 2day.. well .. everything here is a lil twisted.. u just get used to it..

anywayz.. this old iraqi man was on his lil cart behind a donkey that was about as old as he.. and i noticed he was beating the...
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another day .. another dollar. same old shit.. just another pile so another day gone in iraq.. no patrol 2day or 2morrow... which means... CLASS?? i prolly wont get blown up 2day smile and this does make me happy..

and yes.. i still have no friends.. so any1 who does read this may point and laugh ...................... NOW <-------- ARRR!!!
well now.. 1st entry .. how exciting .. well it is the month of may and i have been in the country of iraq now for 9 months and it does in fact blow big nutties.. i work crazy hours and to tell u the truth.. i am REALLY tired of people tryin to blow me up .. it was old after the 1st time...
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