Ok, Right now I'm writing this in extreme anger. This is for my friends really, so nobody on SG will care. Besides, SarcasticMenace is the only one who reads this stuff anyways wink .

This stuff going on is bullshit, its beyond completely fucking retarded. I'm so goddamned sick of it. I'm sure Amber and Dan are also, because everytime they sign on to AIM they...
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Haha! Your first paragraph made me laugh. biggrin

You should send a copy of this to your friends so they get the point. That's bullshit how they are acting. Don't let them get away with pressuring you or your girlfriend into acting differently because of them. Hope the situation improves soon, sweetie. kiss
Ah, so it appears that I havent updated since Ohayocon... interesting. Where to start?

Well, Ohayocon was fantastic, I had a bunch of fun. Pictures are in my photo album thing.

I cannot, and will not stop playing World of Warcraft, it consumes me.

I went to visit Mommy in Minnesota. She bought a new house in St. Francis, which is about 40 minutes north...
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Wow, that is awesome! Congratulations...I hear lots of good things about the Twin Cities. smile

When do we get to see pictures of this ridiculously beautiful girl? wink
Going to bed soon. I have to wake up early for OHAYOCON!

The whole krew is going, and I'm pretty excited, except that I'm broke and I'm gonna end up asking JD to pay for parking and gas. I feel pretty bad about it, but he knows whats up.

Fuck this weather, it was fucking 60 earlier and now its snowing like a bitch. Goddamnit!...
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Just stopped by to say hi. kiss
Holy crap an update!

No job yet, I really need one. I've been way too lazy and playing World of Warcraft.

Apparently Karen doesnt wanna see me anymore, she hasnt been online(blocked me?) and everytime I try and call she is out. That sucks. I'm not sure how broken up about it I am. I'm not, but I did really like her, but she did...
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That's a shitty way to break things off. I have no respect for people who can't just tell you what's going on, instead of playing games. Fuck 'em. mad

I hope you Grandpa gets back to being his old self soon. Poor guy. frown

Hope you are doing well otherwise. kiss
Haha! I just noticed that I said you Grandpa. I think that was your fault somehow. wink
Oh my god...

Katies new set...

oh my god... shocked
Happy New Year, cutie! kiss
I bought Worlds Of WarCraft

Goodbye, life

It was nice knowing you!
Ok, I'm back from nice warm cruise through western Carribean. I met the most awesomest girl ever that just happens to live in Chicago. Full detail after I get off of my lazy ass and decide to type. smile
Happy holidays! kiss

[Edited on Dec 25, 2004 8:46PM]
I'm on a cruise ship outside of Grand Caymen as I'm writing this. Its after 3am, and I'm really really bored! Damn insomnia frown

I've had a ton of fun so far, my brother is pissing me off a lot less than I thought he would.

Costa Maya was crap, fuck that island, if you ever have the chance to go there, skip it, if your...
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Woohoo! Mommy's gonna be here in the morning biggrin

Then we just have to pack stuff up and we leave saturday for a cruise through the carribean. I'm really really excited.
Wow, I just got into a car accident. The worst part is how I was driving my grandpas car. And he is being a real jerk about it, rubbing in how its gonna cost him $250 deductible.

So I'm in a pretty pissed off mood, I dont think I'm gonna leave the house for a few days frown
Don't hate me. Think of me as your Mephiskapheles to your Reel Big Fish.
you are cute
Ok, Everything is back to normal. The thread is back to 413 pages, but is kinda dying because everyone is in the group.

I've decided that i'm gonna start looking for a girlfriend again. I hope that works out.
I broke the internets.
stop doing that!!!!


every time you break the internet a SuicideGirl gets beaten down by Timmy.
I love breaking them, and yeah I tossed my modem around alot..bugs the hell out of me.

Talk about dedictaion. (Sg Tat)..nice work.