i just saw the new nintendo commercial for the gameboy micro. my jaw dropped. could it be that the higher ups at nintendo finally realized that the kiddie company image was getting them nowhere?

the commercial features a lab mouse going through a maze with a piece of cheese at one end, and a gameboy micro at the other. the mouse obviously heads toward the...
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my monitor died today =(


it hasn't even been a year since i last got it fixed, and it's already having the exact same problem it was before. i am NOT going to spend $70 on that thing every 9 or 10 months. i think i'm gonna have to go xmas shopping for me a bit early and get me a new one.

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why are so many people associated with medical professions such arrogant pricks?

yesterday, i had an appointment at the lab to get some tests done at 4pm. when i was given that appointment, i said i probably wouldn't be able to make it due to work. i was told to just call and reschedule closer to my appointment date. (*note: i had to schedule this...
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my lesson for today:

if you're making kraft dinner and when you get to the point where you're supposed to add the milk and you suddenly discover that you have none in the house, use water instead and triple the ammount of butter/margerine you use and it turns out more or less the same.

yep, my day was exciting today.

and that was a really...
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dear every shoe store in saskatoon,

fuck you.

men DO in fact like a selection in shoes larger than 'dress shoes' and 'basketball shoes' (and sandals and boots depending on the season). i have dress shoes for all occasions (aka. more than i will ever need), they would have to pay me to wear those crappy ass basketball shoes.

as for those stores that do...
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as if i didn't love the rain enough already. added to my list is that rain means getting to leave work early. because who golfs during a torrential downpour?

on a less joyouse note, my next paycheck is going to disappear very fast as my car needs a new muffler, new shocks, and there's something wrong with the front wheel. =\
it's raining and i'm loving it... and i still can't get over how everyone looks at me funny when i tell them that. just because i prefere night time to day time, just because i prefere rainy days to sunny days, just because i'm happy spending the day in the basement with the lights out on a sunny day, people look at me like i've...
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we have 3 iraqis in the kitchen. and i got to work with all 3 of them today. it feels kinda weird, they jibber away in arabic all day long, and i'm left to wonder if they're plotting to go jihad all over my ass...