funny story..and by funny i mean heartbreaking. me and the best friend are no more. read previous blogs about his and his "girls" remarks about how ill never be and sg. shes never met or ever attempted a conversation about me. im beyond over trying to explain how someone dont fall head over heals at first site and how legit long term feelings develop from...
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Oh lady I am sorry to hear that frown... It's always so hard!
hmm guess who had a great night in her fantasy league...guess who is the one with the best record in the league...me!!!!!!! 3-0 baby soo stoked! when i signed up i really was going to be happy to win one game, look at me know!!
Good on ya.... What league is it in?
my work league 12 teams..10 guys.2 girls
i hate to the be one to complain..tonight im packing up food for my table when my kitchen manager who has a magicAL way with a camera goes...do you know the rights of a sg? i want you to think about it..meanwhile my table has no idea i like piercings and the full extent of my ink as i pack up the rest of there...
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It seemed as if your negativity was warranted... And ooohhh wee O.o the positive was definitely outweighing the latter... Keep it real and keep it safe!!
1. im super angry girls can make judgments without talk to me..bitches..
2. exs should be exs for reasons and stay out of my life and stop tellng lies...were not together so why even lie?
3. im over being nice
4. im not a fake girl..never was NEVER will be
5. im the only one i can ever depend on so why I ever try...
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there's a lot going on............. if you want to talk to a weird stranger I am here.
I understand totally. I can't stand fake bitches.
soo..still no sleep..however i just watched this amazing you tube video and was in tears..not for the squimish its absolutely insane the way animals have such loving relationships and are so self sufficient.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

hahaha, yeah he's super cute and fun!! He loves to snuggle.
im so happy it stopped being one billion degrees outside. i never did a deep spring cleaning so tomorrow I am on a mission. im actually excite to purge my life of some crap, have the windows open and fresh air everywhere. Im hoping to start running tomorrow too. I have someone who has been begging me to do a set and ive been super...
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im still super confused and sad and a mess. ive been sleeping alot. went food shopping so i dont have to leave the house. i cant tell u the last time i had food in my house that wasnt beer. i was supposed to have off tomorrow but dont want to waste the day in bed i picked up a shift. i need to get...
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I've been there. it's no fun. but ya forge ahead. btw, i like your hair.
o boy am im a mess of a girl..yesterday i went to a wedding with the boy i refer to my best friend. we met last year and i was in lust with the girl from pittsburgh. at the time i had no idea how dumb i was being. u can read my past blogs about it. we spent new years together he bought me...
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im sooo behind on an update..one i saw pearl jam play philly last night amazing..when they played elderly women i literally cried. i was in the middle of 50 thousand people in the heat and rain all singing along to a song i used to listen to on the way to the beach with my mom and cousin. i think its finally going to be...
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truthfully no one I know with dermals has had a good experience, hair looks great though
Ha...I was at that show....with you actually.