Wow- Met a lot of kinky people today. For the record, we are a fairly-monagamous couple who are old enough to be half of you people's parents The boy is writing this entry.

My ear had 8 piercings back in 1984, and my nose was pierced with a gun in a NYC club in 1990, when there were no piercing places in New York City...
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Hey Sin. It's good to see all of the oldtimers haven't given up of died. Seems like most of my old friends have decided their youth was wasted or a phase instead of a process of discovering who they really were. I'm 41 and while I no longer live just to go out, see bands, get drunk,etc. I still enjoy it occasionally.(except for the drinking part, haven't done that in 10+years) I've always said you can take the boy out of punk rock but you can't take the punk rock out of the boy. I've lived in Las Vegas for 25 years and have loved most of it. Welcome to Sin City and sorry about the CMAs.