Velvet Cacoon is really messing with my head at the moment... I'm writing, but due to the musical influence, it's all bleak, wintery, nihilist, egoist, violent and depressing.

That was a lot of adjectives...






Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

many moons have passed


I have seen

this amazing piece of cinema

Let's get down to brass tacks,
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that is a freakin AWESOME tattoo!!!!

go kilowatt kid go!
Admiral Ackbar is now permanently on me for all time, along with his amazing words of wisdom: "It's a Trap!"
Pictures coming soon.

Thanks for the birthday wishes from everyone smile

It was an interesting night to say the least surreal

I'm super-excited to see Split Lip Rayfield in a few days, a great band that i can best describe as alternative bluegrass folk punk...

I'm not...
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Thanks for the compliment, Happy belated birthday. wink love
Thank you for the sweet words on my new set wink hope you're winding down from a fun birthday!
Two weeks on the Vegetarian train and I'm loving it. Oh wait... did I just use a McDonald's advertisement? Sell out! It happens I guess...

I am perhaps going on a 5-day tour (though as a lackey) w/ Comrades in Arms. Spots we are hitting: Lawrence, KS/Tulsa, OK/somewhere in NE/somewhere in CO

other than that, I forgot how good the Joykiller, Immortal Lee County Killers...
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Thanks for commenting on my set!
how's 25 treating you?

Somehow I now manage Vole-le...
how that happened I don't know, though I got offered 25% of the bands take as payment. So I shook hands and took off running with pockets filled with gold. Only to find later that the gold was really nothing more than pop-rocks covered with gold spray paint. One day, people will stop robbing me.

I <3 Audrey Tautou

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I got one of my best friends whos gonna make my site in Flash but Im still thinking of a logo
I just finished listening to Dynamite with a Laserbeam: Queen As Heard Through the Meatgrinder of 3-1-G and it was so good, I have to use this word: fantabulous.

Some of the best tracks on the album? The Blood Brothers doing Under Pressure, Get Hustle's minimalist takeover of Another One Bites the Dust, the almighty Locust taking over, destroying and amputating Flash Gordon...
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lol, awesome answer wink
It's been ten days since this journal of mine has felt the caress of new words in new ways...

Last Friday I went to a show in Loveland, the bill was as follows:
Entropy Accord
Poland's Mighty Cavalry
New Day Awakening
and a special appearance by Colin Bowel

Vol-le played their first show - and it was decent, the soundman sucked and they had...
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you have to re-read the joy luck club? why, oh why?

five dollars, two burritos, two PBRs, AND a phone number for an hour of working the door? damn, that's an hour well-spent.

i really am going to resume that conversation. i should get my computer back in the next few days.

until then
keep writing
This weapon will replace your tongue...
This weapon will replace my tongue.
You will learn to speak through it...
I will learn to speak through it.
Your poetry will be written in blood...
My Poetry will be written in blood.

somedays, it does not pay to get up and remember when you used to wake up and do coke in the bathroom. this is doubly...
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yes indeed.

it's been awhile, but i'm still around sometimes.

I am angry at something I have no right to be angry about. A friend of mine, who is also mutual friends with my ex, offhandedly told me that she had talked to my ex. Said ex told her that she was interested in some guy she met. And for some reason I got mad. I have no right to be.

Perhaps I got mad...
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Gnocci are harder to make than I previously imagined them to be. But, after much trial, error and flour - success was inevitable. And combined with a very simple alfredo sauce, success tastes deliciously cheesey!

My landlord is a horrible bitch. Even more so of one when you stand up to them, and involve the following words: lawyer, health department, and lawsuit. I wish it...
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kid, this was an insanely good journal entry. there were many items of note, but particularly i liked it when you said:

America is still a very beautiful piece of real-estate. I just hate what the Government has done and what the majority of the people have become.

and then you hit a grand slam when you left this in my journal:
*confers with whispery voiced type people*

you and words have a very special relationship. one that i am jealous of and yet i aspire towards it.

Went to the ZAO, Fear Before the March of Flames and The Agony Scene show last night at the Starlight up in Ft. Collins. The Agony Scene was up first, since the opening acts van broke down. Now, these chaps from Tulsa, OK were really really really lacking in the stage prescence department, but were by far the best band. Their mix of black metal...
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