Yes, boys and girls: The Winter Olympics is fastly approaching again. And all of Norway is shivering with anticipation.
Let me just quickly tell you about Norwegian athletes. Norway hasn't got Jocks. It is a totally unknown consept over here. We do have cheerleaders, but you won't catch a Norwegian cheerleader cheering on boys. In Norway cheerleading is an independant sport in it's own right....
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right on! hey this dude looks alot like my step brother Shiloh wink
The White House is considering removing the third chapter of Exodus from American Bibles. They are afraid people will start getting ideas. (It is the chapter with the burning Bush)
oh have you heard of his latest fiasco? eeek
he is supenaing google serch records looking for porn searches talk about first amendment violations. I wonder if he's looking for that failure reference or something about George's Bush. the tyrant Idiot needs to be impeched or_______or arrested for fraud. mad

[Edited on Jan 20, 2006 1:49PM]

[Edited on Jan 20, 2006 1:51PM]
Oups I did it again...
Yes, I managed to take my sleeping medicines for breakfast, so lots of coffee and no driving for me today.

And I have a confession to make: Some of you may remember how I have been ranting and raving about the gulf stream turning and Norway entering a new Ice age?
Well, I was wrong.
That leads to some good...
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Well, lets say one meter (3,2 ft) per decade, that means that the lower parts of SF and LA will be gone in 10 to 20 years, while the hills will be quite safe.
A house at the beach will be a poor investment though.
well it is kinda good news, it means this house in nevada will soon be beach front.
tongue GET ME OUT OF HERE! eeek
Nothing like a beer, a pack of Marlboro and an evenings worth of horrormovies.
I noted Scandalous has left us. Sad to see her go, even though she was less than hyperactive. I hope she and her band does well.
And you know even tho it is a holiday or supposed to be one I am still going to work as with most americans , today is a national holiday in name only . which only proves we have a long way to go till we truely can make Dr. kings vision a reality. eeek perhaps when Tookie went to heaven he gave Dr. King a progress report.
Dear citizens of the USA:
There is a group of criminals in your midst.
36 have been accused of spousal abuse,
7 have been arrested for fraud,
19 have been accused of writing bad checks,
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses,
3 have done time for assault,
71, repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit,
14 have...
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Unfortunately, voting doesn't seem to do a whole lot of good where I live. (and yes, I vote). The last presidential election had people truly believing that if they voted against Bush, that terrorists would attack us again. Fucking propaganda..... People often vote out of fear of consequences or fear of tarnishing their image more out of voting for right or wrong.
aaah what an eye opener!
thank you for the comment on my set with Alexsandria! kiss happy holidays and new year!
but you fuck one sheep....

Merry Christmas!
No, I am not having one, but I wish you do.
Celebrating christmas without my children Sucks.
My phucking ex suddenly decided I would not be with them this Christmas.
Yes, I am considering taking her to court.

Listening to Collide. I strongly recomend them.
Check them out Here!
Well, as you all probably know, last night Schwartzenegger and the State of California murdered Tookie.
Killing somebody on purpose is murder, no matter the circumstances, apart from self defence. Camuflaging it as justice makes no difference. Thus the State and the Governor comitted the crime they accused Tookie of doing. We don't know if Tookie killed those people, but we know the Terminator killed...
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Worse yet, Iggy Pop songs in the commercial.....

Poor Tookie..... frown My husband and I think that whoever sentences someone to death/deny their clemency/etc, that they should be the one to do the deed--not pass it off to some other person so you can wipe your hands clean of the whole situation. Our theory is that if these "columns of societal morality" had to witness the effects of their own actions, our judicial system would run quite differently.
Something i dont understand, they kill Tookie but yet a madman like Charles Manson lives? they say tookie murdered in coold blood or arranged it, Manson plotted and killed the Tates and La biancas (pardon if spelled wrong) he also may of been behind lynette (squeeky) fromme's attempt on president Ford . Tookie made efforts at helping keep kids out of gangs and reddeemed himself . whats manson doing? Tookie was black Manson is white. both had youth as followers both caused youth to commit crimes. one is dead the other alive and up for parole. i'm not saying manson should die. I am saying Tookie should of been allowed to live. We say we are beyound racism and civilised , Bullshiet! mad
Stan is a peacemaker on death row.

He has been nominated 5 times for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in helping to prevent gang violence.

He has been nominated four times for the Nobel Literature Prize for his children's books that warn young people about the pitfalls of joining a gang and exposes them to alternatives.

He maintains innocence of the crimes he...
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woah. Thanks for posting that
Jesus lead me in the darkness

Jesus lead me in the darkness, lead me to your light,
Please take away my pain that worsens in the night.
When I search the net when the world is all asleep,
You lead me to read things that makes my heart a-leap.
I'm finding "gifts" these days that have no financial gain,
These gifts give calm and comfort...
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I like that. love
I see that David Blunkett is resigning again.
The problem with Blunkett is that he totally lacks vision.
Talk about the blind leading the blind eh? tongue
Im not really sure who that guy is confused

and I thought you and scandi were married this whole time, heheh ... Im sorry abt your divorce. 6 times a year? I guess that WOULD be hard frown