I HOPE EVERYONE HAD A NICE WEEKEND! i spent the holiday weekend with my mom. for the most part was ok, but here and there, got quite annoyed with each other. but that's what mothers and daughters do.
went to a really lame annual family picnic on sun...we spent more time in the car than we actually did at the picnic...hardly anyone was there, and...
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swimming is the best thing ever. I dont do it nearly often enough. need pool. love
had my official first day at my new job...pretty relaxing day actually...we had real small group of kids; the teacher to child ratio was ridiculous, i'd have to say. but it was nice to start slow, cuz we know we're gonna be slammed within the next couple of weeks...the first full week of september, we'll be up to 22/24 kids, with the 3 of us...
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So...I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today...not only saw the movie, but had a total Willy Wonka experience. I got a Willy Wonka t-shirt at Hot Topic which i wore to the movie, then while in grocery store after the movie, saw Chocolicious Wonka cakes (basically just Hostess chocolate cupcakes but with purple icing and the cream in the middle is purple)...ut what a...
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LOVING the PSW pics! love love
Hey! I recently saw a performance by a bellydancing troupe and afterward I spoke with the teacher and asked about classes!So...Guess what? I'm taking bellydancing lessons in the fall! Isn't that cool? I'm so excited!

so i went to get my car saturday...it's all better. well mostly better. it works anyway, and runs/sounds a hell of a lot better than it did last weekend.
saw Cinderella Man, the new Russell Crowe movie, with my mom...she's in love with him. lol anyway a good flic, but omfg, boxing is such a brutal "sport"-why do people make a living out of getting...
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Hope all went well with the interview! I *heart* Russell Crowe, too! Your mom has excellent taste! *hehehe*

Russel crow movies are usually prety good. Boxing's fun stuff..or NOT. I used to be a boucer..no thank you. I only got hit once or twice, grated it was bare knuckle but still..

Hope all goes well with the interveiw!!
YAY...it's the fucking weekend! one more week and i get vacation! tomorrow my mom is taking me to get my fixed-up car. and hopefully it gets me to ny next weekend for vacation and back home again.

i feel my inner pirate coming out...ARGHH! ARRR!!! sometimes, you gotta do that!
Ahh...It's always nice to hear from a fellow pirate wench! *heheh* Fuck is a nice word. Kinda just rolls off the tongue!
Miss you lots!
Hope the car holds out for the trip! Vacation..what's that??? I don't think I've seen one of those in a while..
arghh ARRR!!! got a bit of funky pirate swag at hot topic today...bootlaces, socks...i saw a great pirate skull and crossbones shower curtain online that i really wanted but hafta do without for awhile. it's called Retail Therapy!
tomorrow i have to go back to work...i hate work. mad
it's not what i do that i hate; i love teaching...it's a select few of the people i...
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WORK SUX!! puke It's even worse when you don't like the people you work with it's even worse..

nice lil pic in psw btw....
Hey great pic on PSW and yay for cute chicks from New England. I went to UNH and lived in Dover for a semester
just found out one of my fave SGs is no longer with the site...where did Zona go? she was a cutie! frown
what a kickass day! got to spend lotsa time outside in the warmth and sunshine; first read thru more of my fantasy novel...then went to the park and climbed up the tower (gods that's a lotta steps) to check out the view. hope tomorrow is as nice as today...i'm heading to the beach or the park by the water with my chair and my book....
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put a new profile pic up...love this pic. my bf and i have a friend in upstate ny on an amazing piece of property. it's a magickal place, and we always hate leaving there.

and i got my nipples pierced yesterday! i've been wanting to do it, and have been looking forward to yesterday. it hurt like hell, but now the pain is subsiding. it's...
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Hey! I found you! Glad to hear that "the girls" are feeling a bit better! You were very brave! *grinning*
i like the piercings. of course the location isn't so bad either ;-)
wow what happened to my pic? im gonna have to figure that out! anyway my friend shannon took a ton of pics of me on sun, some to model some products for her gypsyroses.org site, and some just for me. they all came out great! i'll be posting some in my album.
Your picture has to be 235 WIDE x 175 HIGH: