Well, spoke to my lovely fiance yesterday properly for the first time in nearly 3weeks XD
She's been busy at uni.. mainly procrastinating like she usually does, and inbetween procrastinating she does some art work and sleep tongue her usual wake up time is near 2pm.. its not entirely her fault.. she has sleep apnea
She's doing Fine Art at uni and her project at the...
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Well my weekend has been most boring.. Gf has gone back to uni so not seen her, all my friends either have worked on the weekend or had plans with their gf/bf .. so been lazing around in just my shorts going commando and drinking at 4pm whilst watching very old movies on tv..
In more lightening new on the weekend is that Katie Perry...
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Well well well, turns out this blog malarky isn't as bad as i thought it would be.. 5mins from writing my first one i had two friend requests, and thank you two for wanting to be my friend tongue
Now don't think i'll be writing one everyday! Im still lazy tongue i got other things to do like lie down watch tv and play on the playstation...
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Heey SG world,
Well as everytime I go onto my profile the blog section says to me "you haven't done anything to me, you haven't even thought about me have you? I thought we were friends"...
Ok maybe it hasn't exactly said that but i heard that voice in my head every time i saw the section. Well in all honesty i'm not a blog...
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