It's October ... I totally messed up my post-a-month count.

So here's the update, happy (most of the time), (fairly) healthy and generally enjoying life, and my kittens. They are so sweet and cute.

I love my job(s), love the kids I'm working with, I'm dating; all good stuff. There's always moeny and family to stress me out but I try not to let it...
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I'm averaging a post a month. So I downloaded Firefox so I could actually open SG on my home computer (actually I'm surprised I didn't think of it sooner)

I have a job. It's very part-time and I'm waiting to hear back from some other places because I'm going to be struggling money wise. It's really hard too because I miss my students from last...
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i love kitties smile
It's been a while since I've posted.

So I'm feeling semi-depressed due to quasi-insomnia. I either cannot sleep or I sleep for long periods and don't feel rested. This is not helped by the fact that I am directing a show that goes up next weekend.

I just need to have a life outside of school and I'm trying but it's hard and going out...
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Indeed, it was! The top floors were covered over with white paint, unfortunately, but they're on their way again...

How goes it?
thanksfor the wishes.

I haven't been on as much as before either- life getting in the way I guess.
I have spent that past week feeling horribly sick. It has not been fun. Each morning I feel slightly better about one thing and something else kicks in. I want to sleep all day.

On the up side: Has anyone been watching Grey's Anatomy. I'm sorry but every week they blow me away more and I don't know how they do it.
never seen it. eeek

I know how that feels, with me it's either my teeth hurt, then my head hurts then my back hurts, etc.
Wireless internet is like crack-cocaine!!!!

I just got a wireless router (and a new desk) so I can use both my laptops (on my new desk) and work lots more from home (on my new desk) and now that my apartment doesn't look like a hell-hole (cause I had to clean when they were delivering the new desk), I can actually get some work done...
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i love the silver lining...

have you been to the cerrito? it's the new parkway in, well, el cerrito. we should meet up there some time or at the parkway to catch a flick. what did you think of "running with scissors?" SOS was very weird. i can't remember what else that director has done, but SOS wasn't as good as the other movie. it just wasn't witty or interesting enough. it would have been cool if you wanted to take hallucinagens because it was quirky but i wouldn't see it again. it wasn't terrible or anything, it just didn't really do much for me.

i'm starting to pack and so i guess i can't be much of a movie whore soon, but let me know if you have parkway plans : )
Things that are keeping me from going crazy:

1. Grey's Anatomy: cause c'mon, McDreamy, McSteamy and million other McSomethings would keep anyone going from week to week.

2. The ability to shop online: it's my new vice and I won't give it up.

3. Looking forward to Thanksgiving break: time away from my students and time to (FINALLY!) put my apartment in order.

4. TV...
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i don't even have a tv...sad face frown ...well, not really, i lovez ta reed...anwyays, when are you coming down to los angeles to chill with us? huh? huh?
I don't have a tv. I watch Nip/Tuck and South of Nowhere on youtube when some kind soul puts them up for people like myself to watch.
I love HALLOWEEN! I know it's like two days later but I had a Halloween extravaganza.

Went costume shopping Saturday, partying Saturday night (completely out if it btw), Sunday recovery and then I went to the CIRCUS!!!!! (so much fun). Monday was laid back all in anticipation of ... TUESDAY! We had a half-day and Halloween carnival at my school, then I came home and changed...
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have you heard of the angry pirate? it's a sex thing/joke. it's when you (actually a dude) cum in someone's eye and step on their toe. they jump around on one foot and close one eye and say "arrrgh"
I made it through the first week of school! :pumps fist in the air:

It was really rough at first. The kids have school from 8:00 am to 5:25 and for the first half of the week I was there everyday from 7:30 til 6. Now that it's calmed down a bit, I'm there from around 11 to 6 (though there was a parent meeting...
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haha i basically am caught up
i only have like half of season 3 (this past season) of Entourage left to watch

I've seen the last season of Rescue Me, so I only have Season 2 to watch now (I finished season 1 last night)

and Nip/Tuck..I have no catching up to do hehe..
you should definitely go at least once in your life to B.M.
tickets were bank so organize everything asap if you think you might go. and it seems like it's absolutely no problem getting rid of tickets at the last minute if you decide not to go. you might actually make a profit.
but i don't think you want to fuck around with a tent. our rv was an absoulte godsend. but i think the best way to do it is to pay to be part of a camp. our friends paid $65 for their camp and had all the water and fresh-cooked breakfast and dinner they could eat. i can tell you that we spent a whole hell of a lot more than that and we had to truck in all our water and cook all our meals and it was a huge fucking pain in the ass. talk to people who have been before for advice because it's definitely worth seeing and there are all kinds of tricks : )
Finally! My internet is working at home!

So for those of you who don't know, my friends and I produced a film called BeatBackBush (a political workout video check it out at BBB Workout) and currently we are having a West Coast tour, so all my girls are in the Bay.

It's been really great mainly because they're hooking me up with cool people...
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well i was going to this place called ultragypsy belly dancing to take classes but the teacher i like is just a sub now frown i'm trying to find a new place... i'll let ya know if i do.

<3 mir
i am back and better than ever!! wats going on? ooo aaa
I had the best weekend ever! I slept and ate. THAT WAS IT! My phone gets no reception in the little town where my family is from so no phone calls or disruptions. And we ate at these great buffet restaurants. I've neve been so well-rested and full.

Luckily I still walked around a lot so I don't think I've gained a million pounds.

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Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, a day late. Enjoy your sexy self.

Dead tired: Worked five days in a row. Just got 3 hours of sleep before my mom woke me up to discuss our (both) rapidly disintergrating lives.

Dead broke: Trying to figure out a way to move (i.e. give my mom space) while being the least possible drain on her at the same time. While simultaneously my aunt got evicted and decided to move...
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sounds like you need to slow down ..sleep and have a drink
I hope you were able to get some rest. blackeyed