So I'm on Spring Break this week which means a lot of sleeping and laying in bed but I'm definitely doing some movies at Jack London tomorrow ($5 movie Tuesdays!) and First Friday in Oakland. Any other (cheap!) suggestions?
ohh col enjoy your spring break!!!
I am THE WORST at keeping up here. I really should have my account taken away.

My life is not that exciting. I moved out of my apt and now I live with roommates (a decision I regret on a bi-weekly basis). I remain perpetually broke but at least now the reason I'm broke is because I'm saving money to travel. And finally, I've been...
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bay brokeness
It is a different kind of broke. Defined more by what hope to do.
Is that because you are asleep before 12? What does that mean? I mean you are like all that and a bag of frito lays! lol
So I know they say life never gives you more than you can handle but I'm seriously questioning the validity of that little adage. As if bedbugs, consistent lack of money and the general personal and professional shittiness of my life weren't enough, the ONE THING that gives me joy (my television) just fell over and cracked today. And I got a shiny sliver of...
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Ten days until my 27th birthday! (not sure if the exclamation point belongs there)

I just finished my detox and now I'm trying to ease back into eating heavier stuff. I'm feeling the itch for a change (could also be the massive amount of cleaning I'm doing too, my house is dusty). I'm trying to decide if I should shell out and get my hair...
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An Open Letter to the American Government

To Whom it May Concern (which is everyone),

I don't know if you've heard but currently, our country is in crisis. Not a day goes by without me picking up a paper to find out who's been screwed over that day. If people are not getting laid-off, their kids are being subjected to harsh cuts to their educational...
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So I'm in a bit of a funk today. I just found out that one of my all time favorite places in Oakland, The Parkway, is closing. The first day that I moved to Oakland, my friend invited me out to the movies and we hit the Parkway. It was great. I was super tired and slept through the movie but before I fell...
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So it's been over a year since I've been on SG. (Shout outs to whoever reactivated my account!) It was a good time for me not to be on SG. I was dealing with a lot of drama, financially and personally. I'm very much so single, somewhat happily. I'm considering moving to LA since more and more of my people are migrating there. Either there...
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Welcome back! I wish someone had activated my account- you're really lucky. :-)
I'm slightly better although it's still up and down and nothing's stable. I really should write happier posts. I'm going out to shake my booty tomorrow night and I really need to clean my apartment tonight so I'll feel good about going out and having a good time.

Oh and I got a new chair for free!
so how did it go with the boy on sunday?
i'm fucked. Routinely and royally fucked and it's not even in a good I'm fucked way. Like yesterday I had sex and it was good and today I was fucked (not sexually which would have been good). I'm just not sure what to do cause it always seems like I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't.
what happened?
I have been working entirely too much!! But I'm hoping it will pay off and soon there is Thanksgiving where I will lie on my ass like a lump for four days straight.
that's awesome
so you slept in the cells?
why the hell would anyone spend a night in Alacatraz?
I mean, I know it's historical landmark and all but damn it's a fucking prision. That's like spending a night in a graveyard or something. I guess I'm weird like that. whatever