The rants of a day dreamer. Some days I just feel like I was born in the wrong lifetime. I would be more at home In Old Japan with the samurai fighting with honour rather than living in this normal life we are given.
It is no wonder why I spend a lot of my time day dreaming I long for something more something that...
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Dude, I feel exactly the same sometimes.
I know it may be a bit obvious, but 'fight club'. Sums it all up as far as I'm concerned. Feel I/we should be involved with something a bit more, and we're all destined for bigger things, but are we? I'm not quite as negative as the film. I strongly believe, you, I and everyone who thinks they're destined for something, will go on to do it, as long as you have the passion to make it happen.
Never sign out 'half ass rant', if you believe it, you shouldn't belittle it. I'm guilty of the same, but you really shouldn't belittle what you think. Like a drunk night night out, you say shit, and that stays said, you gotta stand by it. smile
A plastic version would be kool too lol

Thanks for the birthday wishes!! miao!! miao!!
Haha well I never no what to right on these things. Well the only thing that has really happened was I strained a ligurment in my knee going down one stairs frown

So I have had to spend the last few days off work and resting, which isn't to bad because I have had time to catch up on the books i am reading
oooh get better soon
Laid up becuase of stairs...whoo that had to hurt. I've blown out my foot before that was...kinda fun(of course I'm a little twisted) When it got hit the ligaments took a hit too and I couldn't move it for a week. That royally sucks. On the flip: reading is always a nice way to pass time.
Hey all I'm 21 male from NZ and my name is James
Yeah i often think how great it would be to have a tank or a monster truck wen im stuck in traffic so i could just run over all those fuckers!!!

miao!! miao!!
How is it in a place where the nation past time isn't declairing war on someone?