Some days you discover something, out of the blue, that makes your brain, your heart, your innards in general, happier; a flavour, a fragrance, a touch. Today, for me. it was new music. I met a band I can't believe I didn't know before. The Twilight Singers make me really, really happy. Many thanks to the SG friend who pointed me in the right direction.
Haven't updated here in forever because there's really nothing to report. I'm purging my closets today; pitching out tons of stuff. Over the last 10 years or so, I've accumulated an astonishing number of pairs of black boots. And now most of them must go.
Totally uncranky now. I've spent the weekend so far cleaning and cleaning my place. While I recognize that this is entirely boring, it is also a massive relief. The fact that walking into my home no longer feels like a really unpleasant thing to do is a significant victory.
I'll get there someday. When guest who aren't familiar with how extreme my mess gets are due to come over, I do a mad scramble in the last 10 minutes before they arrive to make my part of the house look as if somebody sane & adult lives here. When such guests are late (or when I've made a mistake about what time/day/week/year to expect them) I tend not to stop the mad scramble 'til they arrive or I fall asleep. Then the place starts to look almost habitable.

If I invite a stranger over soon so that there's a clear path to my bedroom... wanna come over & play? What if it's a realy cute stranger?
Well, sir. I think I just might. A clear path to a cute stranger sounds pretty darn good to me.
Bored. Pissy. Unmotivated to clean my house.

I'd like to get super princessy and have someone bring me treats and rub my feet, but instead I think I'll make some scrambled eggs and read a book.
PIlates nearly killed me today. If you will excuse me, I'll be napping until July.
Seder last night was really fun and while I managed to have a bit of everything served I did not gorge myself as in years past. We were a really small group, which was quite nice and for once the singing was actually quite good to listen to. And then I came home and was in bed at 10:30. I'm old and sensible and I...
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Off to hear Mark Kurlansky talk about his new book The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell at the Gladstone. Should be fun. Rodney's is doing the catering.
Did you read the book?
I'm reading it right now. It's a bit disjointed, but full of good stuff.
Today's about:

Walking about

That sounds like a Sunday to me.
btw, if the schedule is correct Josh Rouse is playing in Toronto tonight (the 11th).....

you should go see him for I missed the show (was not put on the guest list, damn promoters...)
Work week's done. Managed to get out of there having crossed a lot of stuff off my list. It's nice to be home. I'm planning to do pretty close to nothing this weekend. Some Pilates. Some knitting. Some getting up close and personal with my sweetheart.

Should be a whole lot of great nothingness.
I did not quit my job (unfortunately at this point I can't afford to do so)

but yes, TH was somewhat involved (you have powers of perception it appears).....but it wasn't a hook up and a quick drop.

it's all about the politics of "scandal" though...!!!!