I must now highly recommend Banu at 777 Queen St. W. Eat Persian food, be happy.

Devotchka was amazing last night. I had such a good evening.
Holy fuck! I'm 35. Which on SG seems absurdly old.
Awww.... Not absurd, just uncommon. Which in turn means special! biggrin

Have a great birthday! biggrin
I tried to buy some new bras today, but instead found myself being lectured about learning to love my body the way it is and that minimizer bras give you a uni-boob.

Bullshit. I want to look good in my clothes. That means buying the foundation garment that works for me. If I want a minimizer, I'll go buy a minimizer. I don't need...
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Wow. Just logged on here for the first time since Friday. I'm feeling a little disoriented and I'm not sure that I like it. More once I've regained some equilibrium.

It's a bit too girlie for me, this new look.
Strange bout of insomnia. Two nights in a row of waking up around 2 and not being able to get back to sleep.

Absolutely no idea what's causing it.

I made a croque madame with back bacon for dinner. Non-traditional but delicious. Plus steamed asparagus. I think I'd be a very sad person if I couldn't cook.
Well, that fucking rocked. I just got home from seeing the Twilight Singers at Lee's Palace and I'm totally wired from the show.

If I didn't have to work on Monday, I'd head to Montreal tomorrow to see them again.

So, so, so good.
dont know who lee is, but glad to hear you had a good time.....i love reading strangers journals.....its random as hell.....
Managed to get out of the city for the day. Fresh air. Warm sunshine. A total treat.

Now I have to power nap so that I can go see The Twilight Singers in two hours.
Gotta go away for four days next week for work. Niagara Falls, here I come. I don't gamble, so that's out. What else can I do on a weeknight in the tackiest place in Canada?
Niagara Falls, the Las Vegas of the North!!

You go there either to gamble or to get married and for the cheesy honeymoon afterwards.