Home again. Burnt out.

Looking forward to my own big bed.

Calgary was delightful for the 19 hours I was there.

I'm not cut out for cross-country travel, I don't think.
Burn out is no fun. I hope you are getting time off for all your travel. biggrin

Have a great time! biggrin
I had bison once at a fancy resteraunt. It really was good wasn't it?
Vancouver's all shiny this evening.

Just waiting for a friend and then we're off for sushi.

I'm not going to last long since my body thinks it's 10:55.

Soon to be snoring on the west coast.

UPDATE at 9:27 PT

Great visit.
Mediocre sushi.
Good night.
WOW! You are one globe trotting woman! biggrin

Sucks about the sushi, but YAY! for the rest of the night! biggrin

Have a great day tomorrow! biggrin
Overheard on the bus.

Woman: Were you born here?

Man: No. I was born in Mainland China. I came here 25 years ago when I was five.

Woman: Oh, from Hong Kong.

Man: No. From Mainland China.

Woman: Was it Communist then, do you know?

Man: (Politely, but with raised eyebrow.) I believe so. Yes.
Well, the best thing is that the woman has learned something and will not ask that question again, hopefully?

Have a great day! biggrin
Thank you for sharing that...Sometimes people just make me shake my head...It is worse when they are people in your own family.....(MY STEP-GRANDMOTHER).. biggrin
Just came home from eating incredibly well.

Beautiful steak on a divine salad.

My friends cook so well.

9 days to MTL.
Mmmmmm.... steak and salad. YAY! biggrin

Have a great day! biggrin
It's not that I'm anti-social, per se ...

But I've got to say that I totally love my new Shure earphones. I got the E2s, which I know will horrify audiophiles, but it's what I could afford and, by gum, they're not bad at all.

I can't even hear myself type.

These should help me get through the FIVE flight segments I've got between July...
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WOW! You are one busy lady. Flying to a new major Canadian city each day this week. Whew!

You can do this. You are a strong girl! biggrin

Have a great day! biggrin
Just got back from Pilates. No one else in my group showed up, so I had a private class.

My arms are going to smart tomorrow.
Two mornings in a row, someone in my neighbourhood has been using a chainsaw at 7:30 am.

I'm truly unimpressed.

The first half of my vacation is over. It was rich with fun and unlikely adventure. I'm hoping the second part will be equally delightful. At this point, though, it looks like it will be 60% chores and 40% fun. Could be worse, I suppose.
Yeah, it could be 110% chores... tongue

YAY! Great vacation! biggrin
Going to the beach today. Going to the beach.
YAY! Don't get a sunburn! biggrin And wait 45 minutes after you eat something before going into the water! biggrin

Have a great time! biggrin
I must now highly recommend Banu at 777 Queen St. W. Eat Persian food, be happy.

Devotchka was amazing last night. I had such a good evening.
Holy fuck! I'm 35. Which on SG seems absurdly old.
Awww.... Not absurd, just uncommon. Which in turn means special! biggrin

Have a great birthday! biggrin
I tried to buy some new bras today, but instead found myself being lectured about learning to love my body the way it is and that minimizer bras give you a uni-boob.

Bullshit. I want to look good in my clothes. That means buying the foundation garment that works for me. If I want a minimizer, I'll go buy a minimizer. I don't need...
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