I will be in Cincinnati on Tuesday

I will be in Cincinnati getting some free software from attending Microsoft events. I am picking up Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005. I have to be in downtown Cincy by 8:00AM so I must leave here at 5:00-5:30 to avoid the AM rush. I have driven in it before and it sucks. So I will be...
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Why dont you go up there the night before?

What are you talking about, what band do you have on mine disk and why are you putting it on the computer?
In reviewing my old emails I found my original account with SG has a born on date of Feb 2003. Which I superceded with this one as I what changed internet providers and forgot about the account. frown
what are you saying? confused
how could you forget about that LOL, well i guess you could start that one back up!

did you have any friends on that one?

i hope to see you at the skate party!
It has been a few days since a fuller post. Well I have been busy working at and outside of work, and spending time helping and visiting with others. Friday I helped my friend Mike shave an area around a wound on his dog so it wouldn't get infected. His dog was almost killed by two other dogs that morning.

Saturday was much better as...
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I dont think were going to do the gift thing, it kind of to late to get every one to do that, plus some people dont have very much money! frown
the info about the skate party is up go and look! smile
Strangers in the Night

Female friend that I had not seen in 5 years and I had dinner in Louisville this past Saturday and then went over to the riverboat in Indiana or as I now refer to it the River "Smoke" Boat skull We reminisced about the days in college. A lot of her stories were about her making out with someone. Was she dropping...
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Sounds like your weekend was a whole lot better then mine!

Are you still coming to the skate party?
well it will be a good time, i hope you can make it!
Things are going better.

Things are picking up work has been surprisingly enjoyable the past two days. I worked on a computer after work today an excepted only $30 and got $100. SWEET
100 would be nice right about now!
Not much accomplished today or it could be I am overwhelmed by the accumulation of stuff that lies domant in boxes.


1) I managed to get a payment out to my credit card.

2) Kept my cool at the bank when people don't have enough sense to read the picture instructions on the coin counter.

3) Got a five hour nap in. (Not sure...
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well i hope people start talking about this, the group is geting dead! frown
Hey thanks glad you like the pic... and you're welcome about the "friends request" I need all the friends i can get. I used to hate adding people that i don't know but now i add everybody that I can and get to know those that are willing!! Well i hope you had a great holiday. Mine was good, It's always good to have days off of work shocked ......
I ate enough to be festively full!

Well I got back from my friends family in Georgetown a few hours ago. I have been doing that since 1999 when I didn't go home for Thanksgiving. As the year before, I got my first speeding ticket also the crowd of people on the road was too much for me to deal with again. We didn't play...
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Wow that is a lot of alcohol for a beer!

It sounds like you had a good day!

I hope you get a lot of stuff done today!

So who is your friend Pondo?
Well I hope he finds a better job, I need to find a good job to, Im thinking of going ahead and starting my business, I just need some money to do it!

I need to do some cleaning today to, I went to work today but they sent me home because they didnt have enough work for me to do!
Yes it does have a name, I can tell you if you want me to, I will have to go find the name, most of my stuff is named with numbers, it goes along with the them! Im glad you like it!

Well I bet all your friends were really surprised when they saw you! Ive never been abele to stand having hair on my face; it irritates the hell out of me!

All Im doing for thanksgiving is sitting in my apartment and cleaning!

Are you coming to the SGKY event next month?
I am now beardless and look a bit like Ernest Borgnine.
So why did you decide to shave? You also got a little bit of a hair cut didnt you?
Trans siberian orcestra!!?? They will be coming around here sometime soon. I feel like an ass for not having all the info and still posting but hey... it's the thought that counts right? I read some of your thread w/Nikonphoto80. I read it in the Ace a mag. put out in Lexington so if you see one check it out.
Yes I am still alive the abomenabable snow man didn't get me.

Actually I have been busy working on computers for others and myself.

So over the holiday I can spend more time reading and posting and viewing pics.
Glad you are still alive! I hope you made some good money doing all that work!

So how is your friend doing, you can tell her I said hi again, this time do it when you havent been drinking LOL!
Yo! SG is on Showtime this month.

Here is the link to the schedule.


or if you don't want the link here are the channel dates and times.

Times are eastern so add three hours and watch it again on the west coast feeds.
Showtime Today 11:30 PM
Showtime Too Monday 12:00 AM
Showtime Too Nov 13 11:00 PM
Showtime Too Nov 16 1:00...
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I have both showtime, and the dvd, what to do, what to do.

[Edited on Nov 06, 2005 6:43AM]
are you still alive! confused
It has been a bit since I posted here, I have been posting some over at myspace plus I haven't had much time as I am busier than usual.

It feels as if I am living a rock'n'roll lifestyle it seems like there has been a party every night.blackeyed

I have uploaded a new costume photo to my gallery.
Its been a long time since I have been to a party!

So how is your friend who lives in Richmond doing?