Friday turned out amazing. Was going to go see Monster of Folk with Evangeline but it was sold out... I'm actually kinda happy it was cause I ended up seeing BIshop Allen, who I haven't seen in like 2 years and love.

Met up with Evangeline drank a lot, almost got in a fight, drunk dialed my mom, went to sleep. Woke up...
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1-drunkdialing your mom was the best
2-the hebrew one is my favorite (duh)
Oh my Jesussssss.... Got my hands on the next wtf crunk dance song... It's called "Do The Batman".. How does one do the Batman??? I have no fucking clue the song was just released today. But one of the two people responsible for this masterpiece has informed me that there's a dance contest... Sooo I guess you just get on youtube and post video of...
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Good luck bro; I wouldn't know what's a good DJ hit, so I am interested to see how this would work out. I'm sure you'll get this blasting and everyone will love it haha

Oh shit man, Halo is garbage. MW2 is a lot better than the first, imo. D:
Oh yeah, should have explained that bit!
It's the Institute of Contemporary Arts. Naturally.
Tara Mcpherson was there. And she pretty much rules.

So, i'm a bit late on this...but would you still recommend The Gate? It's been sooo long since i saw it, and now it's on dvd i see. A guilty pleasure perhaps?
Holy fucking shit The Gate is on?!?!?!?! Am watching... Crazyyyy 80's movies.
I'm at the point where love is starting to make no sense to me, and I'm thinking I should probably stop wearing my heart on my sleeve, cause people are just going to continue to walk all over me.

On the plus side a friend made me some salsa so I think I'm going to catch up on the episode of House I missed on...
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hi!! smile
I'm trying figure out two things right now...

1. Is it weird that my favorite song of all time is Hall and Oates - I Can't Go For That even though my favorite 80's song is Dexie's Midnight Runners - Come on Eileen?

I wish I knew a really stubborn girl named Eileen btw.

2. If I got to Australia for my 27th birthday but...
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Love the way your brain works biggrin
Went to fun fun fun fest with Evangeline on Sunday. We wanted to see Metallagher but they played at three and we didn't get there till 5. According to everyone it was amazing.

We did get there just in time for Nu Mark who tore it up, doing all kinds of scratch/tone/awesomedjkungfu tricks.

We then walked around for about 30 minutes, but since it had...
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Cute picture.
And your caption under it made me lol.
Lovely picture haha. You seem pretty involved with a social life and friends; I wonder how that feels lol.

Yeah man I know it's only because he was in a nice car. But there's always something, right? I don't think it will follow through in court anyways. :|
Annnnd it's back to top 40 djing... Uggghhhhhhh.. I haven't listened to the radio since I stopped working my first dj top 40 gig a year ago. It's time to wade through a ton of recent shit in order to find music I like. These nights actually feel like work.

Hopefully people will still ask me to tag with them on fun nights where...
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A year without the radio? That's kinda rough. :/ Though you're not missing much. I love country music, and even they play the same shit over and over until you want to stab yourself in the jaw.
Yeah, radio on the whole isn't great. Unless you check the specialist dj's who, more often than not get only a couple of hours at 3am because they are too risky.
Glad i found RinseFM though. They podcast their shows. You probably know DJ Zinc right?

Oh yeah, i'm still reeling from the scary Tom cruise likeness too. wink

ha ha ha well they do say takes one to know one wink

Faith no more rock!
Last night waaas ammmazing!!!

Got dt at around 730... Dropped my gear off at the bar and went to get some food. Had an amazing cuban sammich and some beer. Went back to the bar had some more beer, at about 1015 I heard my friend Prepmode say I'd be on in 15... I started to freak out cause it was the most peeps I've...
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I really wish I was there for your DJ tracks. Sounds like it was really fun; do you ever record your mixed versions of songs as MP3's? If so, throw some my way!

Also: not many people can pull of DJing in their underwear and still be a hit with the ladies, I am sure. Good job lol.
Rather impressive that you managed to put together a blog after a night like that.
Also impressive is how "relaxed" you appear there. Though i wasn't fully prepared for some of those pics...
And finally for now, hats off for such a broad musical taste. Your record collection sounds legendary!
OMJESSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSS!!!! Last night killed. Pictures and more bloggery coming after the hangover.

I was Joel from Risky Business....
Feeling your pain

Looking forward to seeing the pics