dude me and cathy just found a gigantic bud next to the candle table i guess i dont know what the fuck to call it and all it ever dose is sits and holds candles anyways having a great night. on my way back from sheetz i was confronted by a strange man who said "shave the other shit. keep drinking tussin. and dont forget...
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it was later deduced that aliens had left the magic bud, it lastted for ever and killed even the most stony of the people i know. it is the only logical explanation. some aliens have been known to be prone to random acts of kindness. the only other ansewr i will even entertain is time travelers.
had an awesome revalation on one of my shamanistic journeys. soon new artwork
can't wait to see the artwork when it's done being created smile
love when i find a mix cd in my books and its not labeled and its this awesome all kbd punk singles and shite! awesomeness!
oh scott...you make me smile!
have so much to be thankful for. my good friends at home. my good friends on line. the awesome mega sega i own. the huge bottle of gin in the frezzer. most of all my nico kitten dont know what i'd do with out her!
oh oh oh and i'm watching yogi bear and ranger smith just straight up told the movie crew shooting at jellystone 'NOT TO MOLEST ANY OF THE ANIMALS" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am thankful for you sweetheart! <3
slept for like 6 hours when i got here. me and cathy are drinking making ambien shots and j.r.r is cooking dinner. nico kitten is passed out listining to radioheads kid a on you tube she loves that disk. dinner will be awesome and there is tons of in and rum. an awesome homecoming!
Good times babe! Be safe and have fun!
i was feeling a little down and nico kitten jumped on my lap and said were gonna smoke that nugget of med grade then yer gonna take 5 20 mg then drink the 4 oz of tuss then do an ambien shot. i love nico she is the best
I love that cat smile
doing laundry today. the new kitten slept in my armpit all night. now were rocking out to GbVs alien lanes and cleaning the house. im so happy!
SOOOOO happy you got the kitten babe! I want to hear all about it! (when I am coherent enough to pay attention) Loves you! love
I love black kitties!!!! You're so lucky!