...there's just too much going on.
went to a show a few hours away on friday and had the best fun with the girls, dancing around at the 80's party after the show and almost destroying the hotel room by accident that night....
so love the boys - many group hugs that night. they really are the bros - and the sis...miss them already!...
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...couldn't live without it. love to spend the first hour of the morning surfing the net and answering mails with a good big old mug of coffee by my side...
amsterdam rocked...went to kontich/belgium for the horrorpops show on sunday, watched movies with anna on saturday and had my first bowl of edamame - i know i would love it, but i didn't know...
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sweet! tell greg i say hi, though he might not know what you're talking about, we've never met. he and shanti have a subscription to herbivore.

when are you going to be in portland again? woo! it'll be great to meet. did i ever tell you i lived outside of frankfurt for a couple of years?

Can't wait till you come to Vancouver!!!! kiss
...i'm coming - looking forward to a weekend with my best friend anna...shows (horrorpops, strung out/bouncing souls/coheed&cambria), making cookies for our friend wilkie who needs his vegan treats, hanging out with k8 and regina,...can't wait. have to get a cab in a few minutes.
and when i'll be back i will be a good girl and go to the gym, on the treadmill, lift...
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CRAP! I accidentally deleted you!!!!
...it out...
had a great day yesterday - getting tattooed for about 4 hours, finally that shoulder part is done and the "filling" as well, looks like a complete work of art now. and i LOVE it. while i was sitting there getting inked i already thought about my next piece, right arm of course, i want to get done by jennifer billig,...but there's...
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wasted days... wink
...slept for more than 12 hours last night.
pretty proud of myself that i went to work yesterday after only sleeping for 3 hours max. luckily i didn't drink too much when i was hanging out with glen. glad we talked for hours and hours and set some things straight. i have the feeling that we can be really good friends - we...
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...i haven't been to the gym all last week, is that right?! or...maybe i was there on tuesday, don't even remember. time flies...
anyways - there will be a no-more-beer-plan after my barcelona trip mid september. at least for a month or so. maybe i should even start right after amsterdam next weekend.
and not drink at home - what i haven't all weekend anyways...want...
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pancakes...and i'd rather by on my couch...
so happy it's sunday.
and i am actully quite proud of myself for having done so much ebaying...a huge pile is sitting in my living room - and a big trash bag as well. need to throw out some stuff i haven't looked at at all during the last few years. so i don't need to keep it....
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this weekend is ebay weeekend, i'm trying to sell as much as i can...
hopefully one day i will have 1 or 2 boxes of stuff stored somewhere and the rest will fit into 2 bags...!!!
the fun doesn't end...smile
thanks to matt, my fave "couch guest" who'll fly home tomorrow, and squeaky and the rest of the girls. really relaxing post hangover afternoon yesterday...watching dawn of the dead.
i am happy now and getting more relaxed about everything that will happen and needs to be done before i'll fly out to vancouver end november - really looking forward to selling...
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sunday...and i am so glad it is sunday...went to my water fitness class and will go and take a yoga class in a bit to get my energy back.
friday night was crazy! my best friend was in town and after her job was done we went out for dinner, then for drinks and the night was long...it was sad to see her and my...
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HI! Welcome to Vancouver.
I have a room to rent in my 2 bedroom suite near Main & 16th in Mount Pleasant. How long will you be here?
Check out the posting "I havs a room for rent" in SG Canada West fpr more information. smile