i've been kond of bored with this site lately- Maybe it is becuase I finally have other things to do than sit around and read about piercings and tattos- but overall, I've been feeling "blah" about the site.

It's too bad too... I really do love the site, but sometimes and gets repetitive and boring- Anyone else feel that way?
I know a few people (incl me) that have thought that recently. I think partly its because its been a while since there has been an amazing set and its frustrating when really amazing girls get turned down or are still in limbo.
Things are calming around here... although i seem to create chaos, so who knows how long it will last.

I have my mouth drilled today- had to go into work with a numb left side of my face. It was funny, There is this guy there- don;t know his name or anything. He is an attractive guy and the only other person my age. We...
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ugh..I hate dentists. I once had to get three cavities filled, and I dont have insurance, so I opted NOT to get the anethstetic so I could save money...that was one of the most painful experiences I've ever been through.

I hope you can make it to our show at the DAAC. We've never played there before so it'll be a new experience for us. We're actually gonna be hitting up GR a few times in the coming months so if not this time, next time maybe.
Things are getting better... I can see the light. Both of my jobs are ending in two weeks. Although it means that I have to learn a new job- which always sucks- I know that my stress level will decrease- at least for a short time.

My wedding reception is coming up. It should be a good time. It will be weird to have my...
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Happy Birthday!
Sorry I missed the B-Day! Hope it was a good one! biggrin
Ok Ok so that last theard was absolutely horrid.. i am embarresed for my drunk self...
mmmm, drunk.
i have t osay... that the times that I am the Most wasted are the tmes...yeah well.... dpnm't know at this point...
I've been thinking about trying to do another set. I have taken a year off to think about it and I think that I might want to try again. I have some ideas and of course I have sifted through the hopefuls group- but I get frustrated in there.

What do you all hope to see from an SG set... not that I will do...
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i actually have that effect on a lot of people...
the baby tees are the stuff.
welcome back from california. yeah, la sucks but sb rocks. glad that you and your man enjoyed it. life has been in chaos of late, but getting substantially better now, soon. hope all is well with you, satine.
i just wish i could afford to travel anywhere, period
I cannot wait to see Ani this next week. Wait, I must say that i have seen her many many times. I saw her at the Aragon in Chicago. Breslin in Lansing. Somewhere in Greenbay- I drove a day to see her play. State Theatre in Kalamazoo... Interlochen....yeah the list goes on. But the venue I am going to on Monday is so small... nothing...
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i should be working just about every wed. thurs. fri. and sun.
what kind of job do u do now?
i've never seen Ani... frown

hey, sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses...ya know... wink
I am so tired- I just slept an hour over my alarm... thank god i don;t have to be anywhere for a few more hours.

I is hot! I really want to go swimming- I have a pool, but I just got this tattoo- the pains of body mod maintenance!
im actually starting to like the girls alot better, their starting to talk to me, i think its just they all know eachother so they just kind of go about their buisness.