Holy fuck. eeek
Okay so i just recently found out that my ABSOLOUTE favorite book is coming out as a fucking movie. i could seriously explode i am so exited. and i have to wait until december. but its going to be amazing!

I have read the first three books as well as the other story by the same author and i am on the fourth...
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you're funny as fuck
Okay. I am trying to get my shit together and get some more pictrues taken. I was going through some of the boxes of clothes i packed before i moved out of my moms house, and i found this beautiful garment that i can't wait to wear in a set. i have all these ideas running through my head and i can't wait to smear...
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Hahaha so funny thing.

Went into a sex shop the other day and bought these glow in the dark cock rings, the package came with a few but we only needed one of the sizes. there was one that was a size too big and it seriously fits around my wrist. So yea. I totally rock that shit as a bracelet now.....
I want some strawberries with whipp cream smile
I want it too
That sounds pretty tasty right about now!! Mmmmmm
My sister is a brat. she commented on my set over my shoulder one day and i thought i deleted it but it went up. the "fabulous!" comment, was my sisters doing. *shakes fist* psh.. make me look concieted... haha. i love that bitch

(( after i already commented on my own set with the explanation for it... (go me.) ))
I want to travel. that would be sweet. travelling is nifty and i miss it. We used to go with my family all the time, roadtrips are like drugs to me....

I am not liking my city... it's people are too grumpy. there is too much hostility and it's rubbed off on me too much for me to enjoy. i need to be free'ed from...
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I really want to meet some new people. I love being surounded by friends but I don't have a whole bunch of them ha. i need more freaks like me. more random dirty jokes and violent happiness is what i need,among other friendly qualities. all my crazy friends left me.... haha but sooon. SOOOON there will be so much craziness we won't know what to...
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My plants are growing! not everything, but the stuff that is is getting tall! i am exited, some of the onions i started already taste oniony! yay hopefully i can plant them outside but the weather here is bipolar. the other day it was hot as a mother fucker and we didn't need sweaters and then it snowed a foot and a half. and its...
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i am enjoying having my blog here even though i have very few things to talk about haha.

the other day me and my sister went out and got some more seeds and i bough a half started strawberry plant! i planted it and its doing good so far, i hope it grows big.

some more of my veggies has sprouted Weeeee. everytime i walk...
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Okay i stand corrected. i got my first asshole remark today!

People. I am Not "satans child" nor am i any kind of devil worshiper or any of that crap.

I am a pagan. I fucking Hug tree's. I feel bad when i have to walk on grass. So Don't get the wrong Idea, becuase some haven't been educated on the subject.

Nature is the...
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I don't think i'll ever stop blushing when i read my comments. you are all such sweethearts!! you make my heart meats feel all warm and squishy like... hahaha

my computer is kind of slow, or i would go page to page thanking you beautiful people for all on the shiney comments on my set. so i shall do it the lazy way! robot robot

I thank...
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