Saw Motley fucking Crue. . .again. Thats twice within 24 hours. My room mate went with me. I didn't get home from goddamn work until 9, but we saw the better half of the show. We only paid $20 and got the ticketfast print shit and just photoshopped them to be better tickets. Ticketmaster dumbasses. We magically made our nosebleed tickets into floor, center, row...
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Did Tommy demand to see some titties? Like above, stay natural.
are you trying to tell me that they don't allow 91 year olds to drink beer at crue shows?
Saw Motley fucking Crue in Tucson last night. The seats were amazing. We got our other two extra tickets sold, which helped us out a lot. The sound crew was bullshit and everything was out of balance. Vince was pissed. It got so bad at the end that they didn't do their encore, which means that they didn't play Helter Skelter. I want to go...
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If i was in AZ id join you in a heartbeat.
If I catch a flight out of SF right now.....better not, it would just mean more credit card bills and all.
Ok, well, since the site is working for me again, I'll elaborate a bit on the last post. For some fucked up and unknown reason, IE is saving random files from web pages that I frequent (SG, BME, etc.) and on 29 Sept., started doing that. These pages would not update from the 29th. . .It was the same front page for the last few...
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Hey there. Sorry for the late reply but for some reason the whole city of Phoenix feels like either burning itself up, crashing itself to death, or drowning itself in the chlorinated waters of it's pools located all around the Phoenix metro area.

I'd love to see the Crue but I'm going to be working (YAYY! whatever ) a shift tomorrow. At least it's a Tuesday and Tuesdays are generally known for being nice to us (well, so are Mondays but for some reason Thunderbird Mountain decided to go up in flames)

I'm sorry I can't make it out. But I'll be in T-Town sometime soon so maybe we can fuck up some bars in the area when I go down.

See ya later.
It is my IE. Fuck IE. I downloaded firefox and it works fine now. robot
sweet! i have no idea what you are talking about but right on!!
anti viris program?
So, is it just my computer, or has the front page been the same for the last few days? surreal
Ummmm not sure, It might have been.
I locked myself out of my house today. I had to break in with a crowbar. Luckily I was able to get in without breaking an entire window. blackeyed
smooth wink
crowbar + "breaking in" action = no breaking window?

+10 points for you!
Fuck, I'm an idiot. Where's the retarded smiley wearing a helmet? *insert retarded smiley wearing helmet here*
Just found salsa in the pantry that Mike never told me about. . .I over indulged.

I organized my closet the other day and realized what a large collection of wool sweaters I have accumulated from my years living in Michigan. . .they take up a pretty significant part of the closet. I will miss Michigan this fall. I will miss the trees changing color....
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I was born In phoenix and moved to Los Angeles about six years ago. The point is you are crazy to wear the wool sweaters now. But Arizona winters are pretty damn cold, Im sure them sweaters will come in handy.
1st, that dog rules, 2nd, your hot, 3rd good sking skills
surface bar is much happier after the larger length jewelry was put in today. . .we'll see how it works out. I just now found out that my right nipple is still "pierced". . .after a year and a half of being out. . .I think the left one is completely closed, but maybe it can be tapered out. To put jewelry in or not....
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"To put jewelry in or not ?"

Go on .. Do it! You know .. so they match smile